Cotransfected GFP diffusely stained axons (bottom panel) Fig S3

Cotransfected GFP diffusely stained axons (bottom panel). Fig. S3. Cbln1 or Cbln2 directly causes clustering

of NRX1β(S4+). Beads coated with HA-Cbln1, Cbln2, Cbln4, or CS-Cbln1 were incubated with HEK293 cells expressing NRX1β(S4+) for 2 days. Confocal images of HEK293 cells immunostained against NRX1β(S4+) (red or white) and beads (green) are shown. Scale bar, 25 μm. Fig. S4. Cbln1 serves as a direct presynaptic organizer in hippocampal neurons. (A) Accumulation of GSK126 in vitro functional presynaptic sites labeled with FM4-64 (red) around HA-Cbln1-coated beads (green). Scale bar, 20 μm. () Presynaptic sites were directly induced by HA-Cbln1-coated beads. Synapsin I-immunopositive terminals (red) were induced around HA-Cbln1-coated beads (arrowheads), which were located at extrasynaptic sites lacking endogenous AMPA receptors (detected by

anti-pan AMPA receptor antibody; green). Scale bar, 20 μm. Fig. S5. Cbln1 and Cbln2 but not Cbln4 induced presynaptic differentiation of cortical neurons. Beads coated with HA-Cbln1, Cbln2, Cbln4, or CS-Cbln1 were cocultured with cortical neurons. Confocal images of neurons immunostained for synapsin I (red or white) and beads (green) are shown. Scale bar, 20 μm. As Pexidartinib nmr a service to our authors and readers, this journal provides supporting information supplied by the authors. Such materials are peer-reviewed and may be re-organized for online delivery, but are not copy-edited or typeset by Wiley-Blackwell. Technical support issues arising from supporting information (other than missing files) should be addressed to the authors. “
“Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common dementia-causing disorder in the elderly; it may be related to multiple risk factors, and is characterized pathologically by cerebral hypometabolism, paravascular β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) plaques, neuritic dystrophy, and intra-neuronal aggregation of phosphorylated tau. To explore

potential pathogenic links among some of these lesions, we examined β-secretase-1 (BACE1) alterations relative to Aβ deposition, neuritic pathology selleck kinase inhibitor and vascular organization in aged monkey and AD human cerebral cortex. Western blot analyses detected increased levels of BACE1 protein and β-site-cleavage amyloid precursor protein C-terminal fragments in plaque-bearing human and monkey cortex relative to controls. In immunohistochemistry, locally elevated BACE1 immunoreactivity (IR) occurred in AD but not in control human cortex, with a trend for increased overall density among cases with greater plaque pathology. In double-labeling preparations, BACE1 IR colocalized with immunolabeling for Aβ but not for phosphorylated tau. In perfusion-fixed monkey cortex, locally increased BACE1 IR co-existed with intra-axonal and extracellular Aβ IR among virtually all neuritic plaques, ranging from primitive to typical cored forms.

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