0% and 47% of variance, respectively The first RDA axis was mos

0% and 4.7% of variance, respectively. The first RDA axis was most strongly related to numbers of Octopus vulgaris while axis 2 was related to the occurrence of fish, sepiolids, Chiroteuthis spp. and Teuthowenia megalops. Numbers of fish were negatively related to numbers of most cephalopod groups except O. vulgaris and Gonatus sp. Statistical tests for conditional effects indicated effects of region (Scotland differed from Galicia) and year (P = 0.037 in both cases). Examination of biplots also suggested a possible relationship between numbers of fish and body length. Retrospective exploration of relationships between RDA axis scores and continuous explanatory variables suggested

possible nonlinear relationships between the axis 1 score and both month and length. The existence of nonlinear relationships see more find more between response and explanatory variables would violate the assumptions of RDA and may have prevented detection of effects of month and length. Since

the multivariate dietary patterns were weak, no further analysis was carried out using RDA. Results from the GAMs indicated that the numbers of Eledone cirrhosa (NE) in pilot whale stomachs were significantly related to area (P < 0.0001), whale length (P < 0.0001), month of stranding (P = 0.0078), and year (P = 0.0443). The model explained 71.4% of deviance. There was a wide range of hat values with four values exceeding 0.8 although none exceeded 1.0. Smoothers illustrated in Figure 4A suggest that the numerical importance of E. cirrhosa in the diet increased with whale length (reaching an asymptote around 350 cm) and increased during the first half of the year (although wide confidence limits, especially in the second half of the year obscured any further trend). There was also a significant effect of region, with fewer E. cirrhosa in the stomachs of the pilot whales stranded in Scotland than in whales stranded in Spain or Portugal (P < 0.0001 in both cases). Numbers of E. cirrhosa found were highest in 1995, 2001, and 2011. The final model for the numerical abundance of the ommastrephid group Illex/Todaropsis

in pilot whale stomach contents (chosen on the basis of lowest AIC and absence of patterns in selleck residuals or influential data points) explained 50.7% of deviance and included a significant effect of year (P = 0.0065) and a nonsignificant effect of pilot whale length (P = 0.0611), which, nevertheless, significantly improved overall goodness of fit (F test, P < 0.05). Smoothers illustrated in Figure 4B suggest that the numerical importance of these ommastrephids in the diet decreased with increasing pilot whale length. Numbers eaten were lowest in 2005. The final (Poisson) model for numerical importance of fish (selected using the same criteria mentioned in the previous paragraph) included effects of sex (females ate more fish than males, P = 0.

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