There were no differences between the final weight after treatment, as shown in Table 1. Although the distance achieved by QT was 18.6% greater than PT this result was not significant [P=0.102, Power=0.380] (Figure 3A). Table 1 Mean value (standard deviation) after incremental maximal test Trained Sedentary QT PT t df P Power QS PS t df P Power WEIGHT (g) 352.89±31.25 367.25±24.41 1.045 15 0.312 0.161 379.25±52.91 366.63±8.97 0.595 7.298 0.570 0.086 VO 2 MAX (ml/kg/min) 63.55±8.58 58.62±7.38 1.272 14.990 0.223 0.219 65.12±8.21 61.87±5.51 0.929 14 0.369
0.139 /vVO 2 MAX (cm/s) 47.89±8.17 48.50±16.18 0.100 15 0.922 0.051 46.88±13.21 46.63±10.98 0.041 14 0.968 0.052 MAX. VEL (cm/s) 95.11±7.40 87.50±9.65 0.837 15 0.086 0.405 71.63±8.68 71.63±11.01 0.002 14 0.998 0.050 Compared values for trained (QT vs PT) and sedentary groups (QS vs PS). T-test for independent samples reported no significant differences between QT and PT or QS and PS. VO2 MAX: Maximum oxygen uptake; vVO2 MAX: Velocity at VO2 max; MAX.VEL: Maximal velocity achieved. df: degrees of freedom. Power: statistical power. Figure 4B shows that the QT group ran for 56.1% longer before reaching RQ=1 compared with the PT group, but this effect was not significant [P=0.222, Power=0.213]. Similar results are illustrated Pexidartinib mw by Figure 4A, in which VO2 at exhaustion does not differ after the
high-intensity test for the quercetin and placebo exercise groups (P=0.069, Power=0.448). Lactate production was analyzed (pre- and post-high-intensity test) using repeated measures ANOVA, STAT inhibitor where we observed a group effect P=0.001, Power=0.967 and a group interaction per time unit P=0.001, Power=0.977. Specifically, lactate production immediately after the high-intensity test was increased
in the QT and QS groups compared with the PT and PS groups (P=0.004) [Figure 5]. No differences were found in lactate production between groups prior to the high-intensity test (P>0.05). Lactate production was significantly increased in each group (P<0.001 in QT, QS y PS) and (P=0.004 in either PT) at the end of the high-intensity test (data not shown). Figure 4 A) VO 2 at the end of the high-intensity incremental test B) Distance run until RQ=1. T-test for independent samples reported no significant differences between QT and PT or QS and PS (P>0.05). Figure 5 Blood lactate pre- and post-exercise using a two-way repeated measures ANOVA. (P=0.008 needed for significance with an experiment-wise alpha of 0.05 using Bonferroni adjustment in alpha for six comparisons) * Post lactate differences (P=0.004) in QT vs PT and QS vs PS. Discussion A recent study evaluated the effects of short-term quercetin supplementation on exercise performance in mice [6] and demonstrated a significant increase in endurance capacity and mitochondrial biogenesis in comparison with placebo groups.