Because of this reason the mTOR inhibitor expression of glnA1 gene is tightly regulated in most mycobacterial species. The transcription of glnA1 gene is regulated in M. tuberculosis by dual promoters [10]. The
P1 promoter, present just upstream to glnA1 gene is low nitrogen responding promoter while the P2 promoter, upstream to P1 is high nitrogen responding promoter [10]. Further regulation is driven by GlnR protein which has putative binding site in the P1 promoter. GlnR binds to the P1 promoter and activates transcription during nitrogen starvation [11]. In this study, we have studied the expression level of glnA1 gene of M. bovis in response to nitrogen availability, when the two promoters P1 and P2, are present independently or together. The real time data observed are in accordance with the earlier findings about the ATM inhibitor regulation of glnA1 gene at transcription
level in response to nitrogen availability [11, 12]. The results clearly BIIB057 order showed up-regulation of glnA1 expression in M. bovis and MSFP strains in low nitrogen conditions as compared to high nitrogen conditions. MSFP, MSP1 and M. bovis strains have P1 promoter upstream to the glnA1 gene and P1 promoter has binding site for GlnR protein. GlnR binds to the P1 promoter and activates transcription in low nitrogen conditions [11]. This may be the reason for the differences observed in the expression level of the gene in low nitrogen and high nitrogen conditions in these strains. While, on the other hand in MSP2 strain there was no difference in glnA1 expression level in low and high nitrogen conditions. This may be due to lack of P1 promoter and hence GlnR binding site. Also, it can be observed that the difference in gene expression in low and high nitrogen conditions are higher in MSFP and M. bovis strains that have both the promoters upstream
to the glnA1 gene. This difference is somewhat reduced in MSP1 and completely lost in MSP2 strain. It has been reported earlier that P1 promoter in M. tuberculosis is σ 60 type promoter [10]. σ 60 is expressed in nitrogen limiting conditions, it recognizes the P1 promoter and transcription starts from P1 promoter. In addition to regulation at the transcriptional level, GS enzyme encounters Thymidine kinase a second regulation at post translational level. GlnE protein adenylylate the GS protein in high nitrogen condition and thus makes it inactive [13, 22]. In all the strains, the difference in GS activity in ammonium starvation to ammonium pulse was significantly higher than the difference in expression at mRNA level. Hence, this marked difference observed in GS activity with change in nitrogen conditions in M. bovis, MSFP and MSP1 may be because of two possible reasons. First, there is a stringent regulatory mechanism exhibited by GlnR protein at the transcriptional level because of which the transcript of glnA1 gene itself, is significantly low in high nitrogen conditions.