2 0 1778 6 1 75 72 2 541 3 33 30 63 The film thicknesses were dir

2 0.1778 6.1 75.72 2.541 3.33 30.63 The film thicknesses were directly measured by a Dektak 6 M profilometer (Veeco Instruments Inc., Plainview, NY, USA). The average grain size d was derived from the (111) X-ray diffraction (XRD) peak, measured with a Bruker D-8 this website XRD system (Cu Kα radiation, 40 kV and 60 mA, Madison, WI, USA) at room temperature,

and the grain size was also directly observed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM; CM200, Philips, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). The crystalline volume fraction X C was calculated from the Raman spectra, measured with a Jobin Yvon LabRam HR800 UV micro-Raman spectrometer (backscattering configuration and Ar ion laser of 514.5 nm, Kyoto, Japan). The laser power density is 1 mW/mm2 to avoid any beam-induced crystallization. The long-wavelength limit of the refractive index n ∞ was deduced from optical transmission spectra, measured with the double-beam ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared spectrometer PerkinElmer UV Lambda 35 (300- to 1,000-nm spectral range with 0.5-nm resolution, Waltham, MA, USA). The hydrogen (oxygen) content bonded to silicon C H (C O), and its bonding

configurations were obtained from infrared (IR) absorption spectra, measured with a Nicolet Nexus 870 Fourier transform IR spectrometer (400 to 4,000 cm-1, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). XPS was used to study the silicon core energy level of the nc-Si:H. All the spectra were obtained with an electron takeoff angle of 90° using an Al Kα source monochromatic X-ray radiation. The Kratos charge neutralizer system (Kratos Analytical, Talazoparib mw Chestnut Ridge, NY, USA) was used on all the samples to compensate

the charging effect of the sample surface. The narrow scan of the spectra was collected at a high-resolution mode with a pass energy of 20 eV. The binding energy was calibrated to the C1s emission (284.8 eV) arising Bcl-w from surface contamination. The background from each spectrum was subtracted using a Shirley-type background to remove most of the extrinsic loss structure. All the comparative data and spectra presented below are normalized with thickness. Selleckchem NVP-BSK805 Results and discussion To investigate the structural properties of the nc-Si:H thin films grown under various H dilution profiling, micro-Raman and XRD measurements were carried out. In Figure  1a, the XRD pattern for the sample with R H = 98.2% is presented, in which the three diffraction peaks appearing at 2θ ~ 29.0°, 47.5°, and 57.0° correspond to the (111), (220), and (311) planes of c-Si, respectively. The presence of large diffraction peak broadening of (111), (220), and (311) c-Si peaks indicates the appearance of a silicon nanocrystalline phase in the film. The strongest XRD peak intensity for the (111) plane indicates that the nanocrystallites have preferentially grown along the (111) direction. Based on the Scherrer formula [14], the average grain size d in the (111) direction was calculated to be approximately 5.

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