, 1987; Weisblum, 1995) or that erm genes may have descended from

, 1987; Weisblum, 1995) or that erm genes may have descended from one or more preexisting ksgA genes (O’Farrell Pexidartinib et al., 2004; Maravic, 2004).

Here, a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis is presented with extensively searched Erm sequences and KsgA/Dim1 found in three domains of life to provide some clues about the evolutionary history of the Erm protein family and the evolutionary relationship of the Erm and KsgA/Dim1 protein families. All protein sequences used to infer the phylogenetic relationships in this study were obtained from GenBank. New homologous sequences were found by blastp and tblastn searches. The sequences that were used for the construction of the comprehensive phylogenetic tree are listed in Table 1 (Erm sequences) and Supporting Selleck p38 MAPK inhibitor Information, Table S1 (KsgA/Dim1 sequences). For KsgA/Dim1 proteins, only representative sequences from each kingdom and class were selected for analysis. The nomenclature for Erm used here is the system proposed by Roberts et al. (1999), where Erm proteins with over 80% of amino acid identity are grouped into the same class. When the same Erm class was found in the same species database, we selected only one representative sequence for analysis. The multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic analyses were performed according to previous methods (Park et al., 2009). The final alignment used for comprehensive phylogenetic analysis for Erm and

KsgA/Dim1 contained 116 sequences and 234 amino acid positions. The alignments used for separate construction of phylogenetic trees contained 70 bacterial KsgA sequences with 250 amino acid positions for the tree of bacterial KsgAs and 111 Erm sequences with 250 amino acid positions for the tree of Erm proteins. An alignment of the representative protein sequences is shown in Fig. S1. The proportion of invariant sites (I) and the shape parameter of gamma distribution (α) for the construction of the phylogenetic trees were as follows: 116 sequences of Erm

and KsgA/Dim1, I=0.020, α=1.206; 70 sequences of bacterial KsgA sequences, I=0.120, Amino acid α=1.330; and 111 sequences of Erm proteins, I=0.020, α=2.226. From a search of protein and gene databases, the KsgA/Dim1 protein family is the closest member of the Erm family, sharing approximately 15–25% amino acid sequence identity. All the sequences identified as Erm proteins (Roberts et al., 1999; Maravic, 2004), except for Clr and Erm(32), were included in the analysis. The sequence of Clr could not be found in any databases. Erm(32), formerly called TlrB, showed a low sequence similarity to other Erm sequences, resulting in ambiguous sequence alignments and eventually producing a very long branch in the phylogenetic tree (data not shown). Experimental evidence established that TlrB methylates the N1 position of 23S rRNA nucleotide G748 (Douthwaite et al., 2004); this enzyme is thus functionally far removed from the Erm methyltransferases, all of which methylate the N6 position of A2058 (E.

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