7 % Gössenheim/G 7/8.8 % 20/35.1 % – Öland/S 18/18.8 % – – Bryophyte diversity A list of bryophytes is BI-D1870 supplier only available for the alpine Hochtor site (Peer et al. 2010). These authors
report 38 bryophyte species from the larger Hochtor area, the majority being mosses with only a few liverworts. Our own analyses of the bryophytes of all sites are still in progress and the data will be provided elsewhere. Adaptation/acclimation of key organisms Key organisms were defined to be those species that occur at all the sites or are at least shared within most of them, as for example the lichen species Psora decipiens. First results on the morphology of this lichen show that thallus size differs considerably between the different investigation sites, with the smallest individuals occurring at the southernmost site (Tabernas) with 0.14 ± 0.06 cm2 and the largest at the northernmost site (Öland) with 0.78 ± 0.2 cm2 (n = 30 independent thalli for each site). Preliminary molecular results indicate that the genotypes of P. decipiens are different at the four sites. Net primary productivity of crust types Annual productivity is obtained by cross-calibrating the field
activity measured by chlorophyll fluorescence with the field selleck screening library CO2-exchange data. This is done by detecting typical daily patterns of fluorescence and CO2 exchange. The end product is the annual carbon balance of BSCs at the four sites and an assessment of the factors that control it (Raggio et al. 2014). First results show that activity periods VRT752271 mouse differ considerably between the four sites (Fig. 7a). A 9 day summary of CO2-gas-exchange of the cyanobacteria dominated crust at the alpine Hochtor site in August 2012 showed that this crust type was active in early August (Fig. 7b) and that there was a good correlation between water availability (mm), light (PPFD), temperature
(°C) and the resulting CO2-gas-exchange. A number of reports of typical soil crust lichen response curves of CO2-gas-exchange to water content, light, and temperature as well as diurnal courses have been published and our results are well in accordance with those results (e.g. Hahn et al. 1989; Hahn 1992; Lange et al. 1996, 1997, 1998; Lange 2000; Büdel Immune system et al. 2013). Maximal rates of area based net photosynthesis of BSCs from different regions of the world range from 0.11 to 11.5 μmol CO2/m2 s (Lange 2003) and with about 2.5 μmol CO2/m2 s the crusts investigated here are in the lower range of those crusts listed by Lange (2003) that originated from all over the world. Fig. 7 a Year round activity (2012–2013) monitoring at all sites: the moss-dominated crust (Öland), the Toninia sedifolia-dominated crust (Gössenheim), the cyanobacteria-dominated crust (Hochtor, due to breakage by heavy snow cover, data between October 2012 and July 2013 were lost, monitoring continues for one more year) and the Diploschistes diacapsis-dominated crust (Tabernas).