Additionally, we observed that exposure of H9c2 cells to the either pan HDAC inhibitor affected neither the expression nor sub cellular distribution Gemcitabine IC50 of HDACs or sir tuins. Pan HDAC inhibitors alter global gene expression profiles of H9c2 cells The main aim of our study was to examine the effect of HDACIs on gene expression in cardiac myocytes with out other cell types that coexist in the intact heart. We serum starved H9c2 cells for 16 24h before initiating drug treatment by incubating the cells in complete growth medium and growth media supplemented with CBHA or TSA. Based on our empirical assessment of the actions of HDACIs in cell cycle synchronized H9c2 cells, in the presence or absence of IL 18, we believe that 6h and 24h time points of treatment will yield snap shots of genome wide actions of CBHA and TSA during early and late stages of cell cycle.
Messenger RNAs extracted from six replicates of each treatment cohort were processed for hybridization to Illumina rat micro arrays and subsequent analysis. We filtered the gene ex pression dataset through the criteria of absolute 2 fold change and p value of 0. 01 before analyzing these data by principal component analysis and the un supervised hierarchical clustering methods. As shown in Figures 2 and 3, the cohorts of vehicle treated H9c2 cells harvested at 6h and 24h oc cupy close, albeit unique positions in the PCA graph. Similarly, the replicates of CBHA or TSA treated cells harvested at 6h and 24 h after treatment are also uniquely grouped in the PCA graph. The RatRef 12 Expression BeadChip contains about 21,900 genes.
Exposure of H9c2 cells to TSA and CBHA led to a total of 672 and 1485 differentially expressed genes, respectively. It appears therefore that the expression of approximately 3% and 6% of genes were significantly affected in H9c2 cells in response to TSA and CBHA, respectively. Based on their temporal expression characteristics and quantification of their expression levels, the TSA and CBHA responsive genes could be organized into six distinct clusters, A through F. The sizes of Clusters C and F elicited in TSA treated cells were much larger compared with their counterpart clusters in CBHA treated cells. This is in contrast to what occurred in H9c2 cells treated with CBHA that induced more nu merous transcripts belonging to Clusters B, D and E.
As depicted in Figure 4, TSA elicited differential ex pression of 468 and 231 genes at 6h and 24h post treat ment, respectively. An identical exposure AV-951 of H9c2 cells to CBHA for 6h and 24h elicited 768 and 999 DEGs, respectively. Ingenuity pathway analysis indicates that CBHA and TSA perturb overlapping yet distinct gene networks in H9c2 cardiac myocytes We began our gene network studies with the reasoning that interrogation of the maximum numbers of DEGs by IPA would reveal the most robust networks involved in the actions of TSA or CBHA.