Additionally, increasing read this the PCC threshold resulted in fragmentation of networks into a large number of structured subgraphs, reflected in the number of connected components and clustering coefficients. Overall, networks derived from hypertrophic tissues were highly structured, characterized by nodes with multiple connections, small network diameters and relatively high clustering coefficients. Co expression model of Physiological cardiac hypertrophy Due to the large number of genes and co expression links observed in this analysis, some observations could be due to experimental artifacts and thus of questionable biologi cal relevance. The recurrence of a co expression link in all three microarray datasets was considered to increase the reliability of the inference. At PCC 0.
70, the Akt and PI3K networks shared 6990 genes and 70347 interactions, the PI3K and Swimming networks shared 5709 genes and 77718 interactions, and the Akt and Swimming networks shared 4521 genes and 34250 interactions. There were 2128 genes and 4144 interactions common to all three networks, which formed a consensus Conserved gene co expression network. Similarly to the Akt, PI3K, and Swimming networks, the Conserved network was scale free. To evaluate the statistical significance of the Con served network, three randomized networks were gener ated. Randomization was performed by shuffling edges of the Akt, PI3K, and Swimming networks 4�� times, while preserving the node degrees of the original networks This procedure was repeated 200 times.
The simulation showed that on average, the three random networks shared 1519 co expressed genes and that at most their intersection contained 1641 genes. These results indicated that identification of 2128 genes in the Conserved network is statistically signifi cant. Phenotype specificity of the Conserved network was estimated by comparing it to gene co expressions inferred from the Normal mouse transcriptome. Drug_discovery It was hypothesized that the extent of conserved nodes and edges between two networks may correspond to mole cular mechanisms shared by the LVH phenotype and cells under basal conditions. Interestingly, it was deter mined that the Conserved and Normal networks shared only 88 genes and 57 co expressions, confirming that the Conserved network may reflect LVH specific cardiac response. To gauge the extent of validated molecular pathways in all co expression networks, all genes were mapped to the KEGG pathway database. Genes with annota tions in KEGG pathways were considered to be true positives and network precision was esti mated as the proportion of true positive genes to the overall number of genes in a network. At PCC 0. 70, net work precision for the Akt, PI3K, Swimming, and Con served networks approached 31%.