Among the 28 best self emulsified compositions, 8 Libraries formulations (C11, PEP3, LAV 16, OL 8, FL10, CN7, CN13 and EO11) were found to be grade I.18 The results revealed that self emulsification time depends upon the individual composition and its proportion of oil, surfactant and co-surfactant.
However, higher the percentage of surfactant system greater the spontaneity of emulsification, due to excess diffusion of aqueous phase into oil phase causing significant interfacial disruption and discharge click here of droplet into the bulk aqueous phase.19 The selected SEDDS formulations were exposed to different folds of dilution (50, 100, 1000 times) in different media (Water, pH 1.2, pH 3 and pH 6.8). These parameters have considerable effect on the phase separation of the spontaneously emulsifying system.20 Also, this system provides the preliminary attempt to mimic in vivo conditions where the formulation would encounter gradual dilution. The formulations C11, PEP3, LAV 16, LAV 18, OL 8, FL10, FL11, CN7, CN13 and EO11 showed no signs of precipitation, cloudiness or separation in many folds of dilution of different pH media for 24 h and these formulations appeared clear or slightly bluish clear E7080 solution. Rest all the formulations were cloudy in
appearance and the clear formulations were selected for further globule size determination. The rate and extend of drug release as well as absorption mainly depends upon the globule size of the emulsion. Hence, globule size determination is a crucial factor for self emulsifying drug delivery system.21 In most of the cases increasing CYTH4 the surfactant concentration leads to smaller mean droplet size, this could be explained by the stabilization of the oil droplets as a result of localization of the surfactant molecules at the oil–water interface. The smaller the droplet size, the larger is the interfacial
surface area provided for drug absorption. The globule size of the selected formulation was in the range of 78.59 ± 11.14 to 259.75 ± 15.91 nm (Table 3). Phase Contrast Microscopic (PCM) image (Fig. 2) indicates, spherical shaped well separated globules were found with sufficient dispersion character without any coalescence. Further, the solubility of the individual drugs in these compositions and its surface properties determines the globule size of SEDDS compositions. A series of SEDDS formulations were prepared using different composition of oil (25–70% w/w), surfactants (30–75% w/w) and co-surfactants (0–25% w/w). Based on preliminary evaluation, the best 28 self emulsifying region of different compositions were identified. Ternary phase diagram was constructed using CHEMIX ternary plot software. The results revealed that the percentage composition of surfactants and co-surfactants with the oil phase plays a major role for the formation of nano-sized emulsion. In most of the formulations, the concentration of oil phase 25–40% give better results.