Conclusion The findings of the present study once again confirm leukocytosis as an alarming sign of death among hospitalized patients. Identifying leukocytosis as an alarming sign for mortality at early stages of admission, regardless of primary cause for patients’ admission, could help health care staff to make a quick decision for the allocation of appropriate hospital ward (ITU, ICU, etc) and the application
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of appropriate treatment for patients. The correct and timely interventions should consequently reduce the hospital mortality. Conflict of Interest: None declared
The patient was a 29-year-old woman who complained of the presence of a mass in her lower abdomen, and a right flank pain for the preceding six months. The pain increased gradually, and the patient
referred to hospital. At clinical examination, the patient didn’t present abdominal distention. She, however, had a diffuse pain, which was most intensely observed in the right lower quadrant. Ultrasonography Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical revealed a large (79×45 mm) solid oval shape and well-defined hypoechoic mass Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in the right adnexal site, which most likely was a residue or recurrence of a previously resected pelvis mass. Six years earlier, due to diffuse and progressive abdominal pain she had undergone abdominal ultrasonography, which revealed a semi-solid mass (54×27 mm) in the left side of adnexa attached to uterus. She was then subjected to laparotomy to remove the mass. The laparotomy revealed a very Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical fragile, largely vascular and multi nodular solid mass, which had originated in posterior part of uterus and extended to peritoneum and retroperitonem. The macroscopic presentation of the mass
EX 527 mouse mimicked a disseminated malignancy. TAH-BSO were performed because of intractable bleeding following the resection of a retroperitoneal mass. The microscopic pathology findings confirmed the mass as leiomyoma. For more than 5.5 years after the surgery, the patient was doing well with no recurrence of the tumor. However, flank pain and mass sensation started and persisted during hormone replacement therapy since six Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical months ago. She underwent science the second operation six months ago, and a retroperitoneal solid mass (6×8 mm) with an irregular border and a pseudo-capsule was found just adjacent to the external iliac artery. Histopathogical examination of the pelvic mass exhibited interlacing bundles of smooth muscle cells without cytological atypia, and a few mitoses (figure 1). Immunohistochemical evaluation was strongly positive for the smooth muscle antigen (figure 2), progesterone receptors (figure 3), and estrogen receptors (figure 4), but was negative for cytokeratin. Histopathogical and Immunohistochemical findings were in favor of uterine leiomyoma. Considering the patient’s history, the mass was suggested to be a retroperitoneal fibroma, a remenant of previous disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis.