Gene array processing and statistical analysis The biotinylated single-stranded cDNA was prepared from 100 ng
total intact RNA extracted from Salmonella infected mouse mucous at 8 hours and 4 days postinfection, or from uninfected mouse control samples. Mouse cDNA was hybridized to the Mouse Gene 1.0 ST array, a microarray chip containing 28,000 sequenced mouse genes (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). After hybridization, the array was washed and stained with streptavidin-phycoerythrin, and scanned in a proprietary Affymetrix scanner, according to the GeneChip® Whole Transcript Sense Target Labeling Assay manual. The fluorescence values for each feature on the array were measured and recorded. Suite Software (Affymetrix) PF-04929113 was used to produce a CEL file. The data were processed with Expression Console (Affymetrix) using the PLIER GSK3326595 cell line algorithm. The Array Assist Lite software package was used to generate GC-RMA files (log2 transformed) for each chip. All procedures were performed in triplicate at the Functional Genome Center of the University of Rochester. Fold change was
calculated for each strain relative to the uninfected control. Statistical Selleckchem NVP-LDE225 Significance (p value) was calculated by Student’s t test, based on the results of three separate experiments. Insignificant genes that changed by less than 1.2 fold were removed from subsequent analysis. The 1.2 cut-off is acceptable in the genomics analysis field [19, 20]. Gene ontology enrichment and pathway analysis Degree of enrichment for cellular component, biological processes and molecular functions Endonuclease was assessed by the Gene ontology (GO) program [21]. IPA (Ingenuity Systems is a web-based software application tool, which allows for the mapping of gene expression data into relevant pathways based on their functional annotation and known molecular interactions [22–24]. Differential expression analyses between the normal control and Salmonella-infected groups were carried out with GeneSifter software.
The IPA program was used mainly for signal transduction pathway analyses and generating pathway figures and tables of related candidate genes. To compare the significant value of the canonical pathway associated with SL1344 and SB1117 infection, we used the Canonical Pathway analysis software package in IPA software. The significance of a given pathway in a dataset is a measurement of the likelihood whether this pathway is associated with the dataset by random chance. IPA software can compare one observation to another. Within a comparison, we could start by comparing the extent to which the significances change from one observation to another. Significance of the canonical pathways was tested by the Fisher Exact test. Data from repeated experiments were clustered within 1.2-fold changes, indicating that the experiments produced reproducible data.