However, Au is relatively much less employed in polymer-based hyb

However, Au is relatively much less employed in polymer-based hybrid gas sensors. Its effect on gas sensing of a polymer-based hybrid sensor should thus be investigated. Furthermore, the combination of noble metal catalyst, metal oxide, Dorsomorphin in vivo and polymer is expected to offer superior room-temperature gas sensors. To date, there has been development of noble metal/metal oxide/polymer composite gas sensors. In this work, we propose a practical implementation of this approach by blending a P3HT conductive

polymer with Au-loaded ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) prepared by FSP. The novel hybrid materials are structurally characterized and tested for ammonia detection. In addition, the effects of ZnO and gold loading on gas sensing properties of P3HT sensing films are systematically analyzed by comparing the performances of P3HT with and without unloaded and 1.00 mol% Au-loaded ZnO NPs. Methods Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles The 1.00 mol% Au-loaded ZnO nanoparticles (Au/ZnO NPS) were successfully

synthesized by the FSP process schematically illustrated in Figure  1. The precursor solution for Selleck EX 527 FSP was prepared from zinc naphthenate (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA; 8 wt.% Zn) and gold (III)-chloride hydrate (Sigma-Aldrich; ≥49% Au) diluted in ethanol (Carlo Erba Reagenti SpA, Rodano, Italy; 98.5%). The precursor solution was injected at 5 mL min-1 through the reactor nozzle and dispersed with 5.0 L min-1 of oxygen into a fine spray (5/5 flame) while maintaining a constant pressure drop of 1.5 bar across the nozzle

find more tip. A premixed flame fueled by 1.19 L min-1 of methane and 2.46 L min-1 of oxygen was ignited and maintained to support the combustion of the spray. The flames have yellowish orange color with a height of approximately 10 to 11 cm for both unloaded ZnO and 1.00 mol% Au/ZnO as shown in Figure  1. Figure 1 The experimental setup for flame-made unloaded ZnO and 1.00 mol% Au/ZnO NPs. Upon evaporation and combustion of precursor droplets, particles are formed by nucleation, condensation, coagulation, coalescence, and Au deposition on a ZnO support. Finally, the nanoparticles were collected from glass microfiber filters (Whatmann GF/D, 25.7 cm in diameter) placed above the flame with an aid of a vacuum pump. X-ray diffraction (TTRAXIII diffractometer, Rigaku Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) was employed to confirm the phase and crystallinity of obtained nanoparticles using CuKα radiation at 2θ = 20° to 80° with a step size of 0.06° and a scanning speed of 0.72°/min. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis by nitrogen absorption (Micromeritics Tristar 3000, Micromeritics Instrument Co., Norcross, GA, USA) at liquid nitrogen temperature (77.4 K) was performed to obtain the specific surface area of the nanoparticles.

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