In this study, we investigated the scale and bristle ultrastructure, along with sequences of three genes, for 19 isolates (18 species) of Mallomonas (18 isolates were from Korean selleck habitats). The isolates represented nine of the 19 sections. Sequences for both the nuclear SSU and LSU rDNA and plastid LSU of RUBISCO (rbcL) genes for each of the 19 Mallomonas isolates and four outgroups were determined. Bayesian and maximum-likelihood (ML) analyses
of the data revealed that Mallomonas consists of two strongly supported clades. Mallomonas bangladeshica (E. Takah. et T. Hayak.) Siver et A. P. Wolfe was at the base of the first clade that included taxa from the sections Planae and Heterospinae, both of which lack a V rib on the shield of the scales. Our results indicated that the sections Planae and Heterospinae should be combined. The second clade, with Mallomonas insignis Penard and Mallomonas punctifera Korshikov at the base, contained taxa from the sections BMS-354825 manufacturer Mallomonas, Striatae, Akrokomae, Annulatae, Torquatae, Punctiferae, and Insignes, all of which have V ribs or well-developed marginal ribs on the scales. Sister relationships between Mallomonas and Striatae were strongly supported, but
interrelations among the remaining sections were not resolved, probably due to inclusion of too few species. Our results suggest that the current classification of the genus Mallomonas at the section level will require some revision. Additional species will need to be added in future analyses. “
“Mesophyllum sphaericum sp. nov. is described based on spherical maërl individuals (up to 10 cm) collected in a shallow subtidal maërl bed in Galicia (NW Spain). medchemexpress The thalli of these specimens are radially organized, composed of arching tiers of compact medullary filaments. Epithallial cells have flattened to rounded outermost walls, and they occur in a single layer. Subepithallial initials are as long as, or longer than the daughter cells that subtend them. Cell fusions are abundant. Multiporate
asexual conceptacles are protruding, mound-like with a flattened pore plate, lacking a peripheral raised rim. Filaments lining the pore canal and the conceptacle roof are composed of five to six cells with straight elongate and narrow cells at their base. Carposporangial conceptacles are uniporate, protruding, and conical. Spermatangial conceptacles were not observed. Molecular results placed M. sphaericum near to M. erubescens, but M. sphaericum is anatomically close to M. canariense. The examination of the holotype and herbarium specimens of M. canariense indicated that both species have pore canal filaments with elongate basal cells, but they differ in number of cells (five to six in M. sphaericum vs. four in M. canariense). Based on the character of pore canal filaments, M. canariense shows similarities with M. erubescens (three to five celled). The outermost walls of epithallial cells of M.