Many successful applications of 454 sequencing technology in transcriptome sequencing and single nucleotide polymorphism discovery have been selleck screening library reported and supported our use of this technology for ovule transcriptome sequencing. In contrast to studies aimed at identifying genes involved in apomictic reproduction through the identifi cation of differences between apomictic and sexual gen otypes, our study compared two apomictic lines for identical transcripts. We previously reported that the ASGR is sufficient to induce apomixis in sexual pearl millet, therefore, the trait of apomixis in BC8 is conferred by the ASGR carrier chromosome from PS26. In the present study, we have attempted to identify candidate genes regulating the first step of apomixis, aposporous initial development, by transcriptome analy sis of ovules from both PS26 and BC8.
The ovules were collected at the stage of aposporous initial development, which ranged from no apparent apospory initials to distinct aposporous initials observed. By pool ing ovules over this range of development our objective was to minimize the chance of missing genes involved in the pathway of apomixis initiation since we would predict transcription prior to, and perhaps beyond, apospory initial formation. The two ovule transcriptomes generated had an aver age read length of 150 bp, shorter than the average read length of 200 300 bases for the 454 GS FLX sequencer. The shorter than expected reads could have been due to a combination of factors in preparing the samples for sequencing such as the T7 based antisense RNA amplification method, the conversion of antisense RNA to cDNA, or during the shearing process of the cDNA to prepare the sequencing library.
Another possi ble factor is the species itself. It has been shown that the average read length can vary among different organ isms due to differences in AT GC content. Even with short reads and using stringent comparison conditions to decrease the number of false positive joins between highly similar but not identical transcripts from the two species, 61 putative ASGR carrier chromosome candidate expressed genes were identified in silico, of which 49 have confirmed linkage to the ASGR carrier chromosome. The 3 bias of the T7 amplified transcripts helped in the design of primers to discriminate between P. squamulatum and the BC8 pearl millet genome con taining one P.
squamulatum chromosome. Our sequen cing strategy helped remove, at least to a chromosomal level, the difficulties associated with candidate gene identification by comparative gene expression analysis in apomictic and sexual systems which lack, due to the apomictic process, an ability to generate isogenic lines that vary only in their mode of reproduction. Primer Entinostat specificity for 48 transcripts was not seen when we attempted to map SCARs to the ASGR using a F1 popu lation containing many P. squamulatum chromosomes.