Oct4 iPSCs were definitely stained for pluripotency particular mESC prints, including Utf1, Sox2, Nanog, Oct4, Rex1 and SSEA1. RT PCR showed the iPSCs also expressed pluripotency marker MAPK assay genes, including Nanog, Utf1, Rex1, Fbx15, Dax1, e Ras and Cripto. DNA methylation analysis of the Nanog and Oct4 promoters showed that demethylation levels in Oct4 iPSCs were much like those of mESCs. In contrast, the Nanog and Oct4 causes of standard OG MEFs were hypermethylated. Microarray analyses showed similar worldwide gene expression profiles among 4FiPSCs, Oct4 iPSCs and mESCs, which were completely different from that of OGMEFs. These show that Oct4 iPSCs share features with 4F iPSCs and mESCs. We tested their ability to differentiate into cell types of the three germ layers, to investigate the potential of the Oct4 iPSC lines. All three Oct4 iPSC lines chosen for teratoma screening shaped teratomas in vivo 4 6 months after injection, and tissues of all three germ layers were detected. Moreover, these Oct4 iPSCs were efficiently incorporated in to the internal cell masses of mouse blastocysts after aggregation with eight cell embryos. GFP cells were found in the gonadal tissues at 17 days post coitum, suggesting that Oct4 iPSCs donate to the germ line, when the aggregated embryos Lymph node were transplanted into mice. Chimeric embryos further resulted in adult mice with a high amount of chimerism. These indicate that the Oct4 iPSC lines can develop and differentiate in vivo to generate chimeric mice with germ line contribution. Hence, Oct4 iPSCs have similar differentiation potential to key mouse ESC. We further examined if the VC6T small molecule mix might allow Oct4 caused re-programming in adult mouse fibroblasts. Dermal fibroblasts were isolated from the lip and back of 8-week old mice. We found that Oct4 in combination with VC6T treatment indeed induced reprogramming of adult mouse Bosutinib clinical trial fibroblasts, although the induction time was longer than that of MEFs. The resulting adult iPSCs stated the pluripotency guns Utf1, Nanog, Oct4, Rex1 and SSEA1, as detected by immunofluorescence. Oct4 iPSCs produced from adult fibroblasts could make adult chimaeras, after blastocyst transplantation. We also established by genome PCR that iPSCs derived from adult mouse fibroblasts had just one released reprogramming gene, Oct4. Reprogramming kinetics of mouse fibroblasts by small molecules and DOXinducible Oct4 expression system To better understand the mechanism of the process in Oct4 induced iPSC generation, we established a tet on system to drive Oct4 expression in MEFs. MEFs were treated with VC6T through the reprogramming approach, and doxycycline was added at different time points on the span of the research.