Primary antibodies against the following proteins were used: anti-phospho GSK-3β (Ser9) (pGSK-3β, 1:1000), anti-GSK-3β (1:1000), and anti-β-actin (1:1000). The membranes were then incubated with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated anti-rabbit antibody (1:1000). The chemioluminescence (ECL) was detected using X-ray films (Kodak X-Omat). Films were scanned and the percentage of band intensity was analyzed using Optiquant software (Packard Instrument). For each experiment, the test
groups (treated with GM1, fibrillar Aβ25–35, or simultaneously treated with both GM1 and GSKJ4 fibrillar Aβ25–35), were compared to control cultures (exposed neither to Aβ25–35 nor to GM1), which were considered 100%, thus assuring the same signal intensity for control and test groups. Data are expressed as percentage of phosphorylated protein for GSK3β, which was obtained by the ratio of the phospho-protein (pGSK-3β) with its whole amount (GSK-3β) (Frozza et al., 2009). Protein contents were measured by the method of Peterson (1977). In order to normalize the value of protein, we detected β-actin in the same
analysis. Data are expressed as mean ± S.D. One-way or two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to the means to determine statistical differences between experimental groups. Post hoc comparisons were performed using the Tukey test for multiple comparisons. Differences between mean values were considered significant when p < 0.05. Culture exposure to fibrillar Aβ25–35 Megestrol Acetate (25 μM) caused NVP-BKM120 order marked fluorescence in hippocampal slices after 48 h of treatment, indicating a high incorporation of PI, which in turn means peptide-induced cellular death. On the other hand, the non-fibrillar form of Aβ25–35 (25 μM) caused no significant cellular death to the hippocampal slices, as observed in Fig. 1A. The quantification of PI incorporation is shown in Fig. 1B. We did not observe any increase in fluorescence in hippocampal slices exposed to the reverse sequence of peptides (Aβ35–25) at
25 μM (data not shown). Although neither the fibrillar nor the non-fibrillar β-amyloid forms were able to cause any change to total radiolabeling (Fig. 2A), chromatographic and densitometric analysis revealed that they exerted distinct effects on the profile and distribution of expressed gangliosides. While non-fibrillar Aβ caused a significant increase in GM1 expression (p < 0.05), the fibrillar form induced an increase in GM3 (p < 0.05) and a decrease in GD1b (p < 0.05) metabolic labeling ( Fig. 2B and C). We did not observe any effect of the reverse sequence of peptides (Aβ35–25) upon ganglioside expression (data not shown). To test for a possible GM1 neuroprotective effect in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures, we challenged the fibrillar Aβ-induced toxicity above described (Fig. 1). As shown in Fig.