Quantification of AHL signal production was performed with the aid of AHL
reporter strain CF11. For convenient comparison, the AHL signal production of wild-type strain was defined as 100% and used to normalize the AHL signal production of other strains. The Selleck Tipifarnib data presented are the means of three replicates and error bars represents the standard deviation. The cumulative effect BDSF and AHL systems on regulation of bacterial motility, biofilm formation and protease activity To understand how AHL and BDSF systems function in regulation of bacterial biological activities, we compared the phenotype changes of the wild type strain H111, single deletion mutants of rpfF Bc and cepI, and the double deletion mutant of rpfF Bc and cepI, in the presence and absence of BDSF signal and OHL signal, respectively. As shown in Figure 5A-C, exogenous addition of 5 μM OHL or BDSF showed no evident effect on the selleck compound phenotypes of wild type strain, suggesting that both signals were produced by H111 at “saturated” levels under the experimental conditions used in this study. As expected, addition
of the same amount of OHL or BDSF to the corresponding AHL-minus and BDSF-minus mutants restored the mutants phenotypes including swarming motility (Figure 5A), biofilm formation (Figure 5B), and protease activity (Figure 5C). It was noticed that exogenous addition of BDSF to the AHL-minus mutant ΔcepI failed to rescue the changed phenotypes (Figure 5A-C). This could be explained that the mutant ΔcepI produced a similar “saturated” level of BDSF as the wild type, thus extra addition of BDSF had no effect in phenotype restoration. Interestingly, two different responses www.selleckchem.com/products/nu7441.html were noticed when OHL was added to the BDSF-minus mutant ΔrpfFBc. While exogenous addition of the OHL signal could partially or even largely restore the biofilm formation and protease activity of this BDSF-minus mutant (Figure 5B, 5C), exogenous addition of OHL had no effect on the swarming motility of ΔrpfFBc (Figure 5A). One plausible hypothesis is that regulation of bacterial motility requires only a low level of AHL signals and the BDSF-minus mutant could still produce sufficient
amount of AHL signal molecules above the Etoposide supplier “threshold” level for full activation of the AHL-dependent motility, whereas in the cases of biofilm formation and protease activity deletion of rpfF Bc dropped the AHL level below the “threshold” concentration for full activation so that extra AHL addition could partially rescue the changed phenotypes. Consisting with the involvement of both BDSF and AHL systems in regulation of bacterial physiology, a cumulative effect on motility, biofilm formation and protease activity became evident when both rpfF Bc and cepI were knocked out (Figure 5A-C). Significantly, only addition of both BDSF and OHL together could fully rescue the changed phenotypes of the double deletion mutant ΔrpfFBcΔcepI (Figure 5A-C).