Residual DNA was removed on-column with RNase free DNase (Qiagen) (27 Kunitz units). The integrity of RNA samples was verified using capillary selleck chemical electrophoresis on prokaryotic total RNA Nano LabChip with Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent Technologies), and
purity and concentration were determined by optical density Q-VD-Oph cell line measurements with NanoDrop ND-1000 (NanoDrop Technologies, Inc.). Synthesis of cDNA and incorporation of aminoallyl-labeled dUTP (Sigma) were performed at 42°C for 3 hours with Superscript III (Invitrogen) after preheating 10 μg of total RNA with 30 μg random hexamers as specified by Aakra et al. [29]. RNA in the cDNA samples was hydrolyzed and then the reactions were neutralized [29]. The cDNA was purified by washing through MinElute columns (Qiagen) and dried in a vacuum centrifuge. Coupling of the aminoallyl-labelled cDNAs to the fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimide-ester dyes; cyanine-3 and cyanine-5 (in DMSO) (Amersham Pharmacia) were done for 30 min in 18 μl 50 mM Na2CO3 buffer pH 9.3. The probe was purified through MinElute columns and dried. Corresponding probes generated from the wild type and the mutant samples were combined, then prehybridisation, hybridisation, washing and drying were performed as described
[29]. Scanning DMXAA of hybridized microarray slides were done with Agilent G2505B scanner (Agilent Technologies). Transcriptome analyses were performed using whole-genome DNA microarray of the E. faecalis V583 genome containing PCR fragments representing 94.7% or 3160 of all open reading fragments in five copies on each slides [29]. Data analysis The microarray images were analyzed using GenePix Pro 6.0 software (Axon), and raw data from each slide was preprocessed independently. The images were gridded to locate the spots corresponding why to each gene. Fluorescence intensities for mean spot signal to median background from both channels (532 nm, Cy3 and 635 nm, Cy5) were extracted for data analysis and
normalization. Spots with diameter <60 micrometer and spots of low quality were filtered. All filtering and Lowess normalization were performed in BASE (BioArray Software Environment) [30]. Average log2-transformed intensity Cy3/Cy5 ratio for each gene in 5 replicates on each array was calculated. Statistical analyses using SAM (Significance Analysis of Microarrays) were performed on the normalized microarray data to identify significant differentially expressed genes in each of the individual mutants by one-class analyses [31]. SAM was used with a stringent confidence level by setting the false discovery rate, FDR, to zero, meaning no genes were identified by chance. The microarray data obtained in this study has been deposited in the ArrayExpress database ( with accession number E-TABM-934.