ResultsAmong the 256 patients enrolled, 39 met at least one exclusion criteria (Figure (Figure1)1) and 217 were analysed (Table (Table1).1). The duration of the hourly urine output and MAP collection period was 49 �� 19 hours. Eighteen patients (8.3%) were started on RRT before H72 and no other patient required RRT between H72 and ICU discharge.Figure 1Flow diagram. RRT: renal replacement therapy.Table Idelalisib clinical trial 1Characteristics of the 217 patients analysedAt H6, 116 patients were classified in the noAKI h6 group and 101 patients in the AKI h6 group. A total of 66 patients showed AKI at H72: 23 among the noAKIh6 patients (20%) and 43 among the AKIh6 patients (43%) (P = 0.0004). Table Table22 shows the repartition of the patients among the different RIFLE classes at H6 and at H72.
Table 2Repartition of the 217 patients among the different RIFLE classes at H6 and then at H72In 62 patients out of 217 (29%) the baseline serum creatinine could not be retrieved and was estimated by the MDRD formula. These patients were not different from the patients with known baseline serum creatinine with regard to the percentage of AKI at H6 (23 (37%) vs 78 (50%), respectively; P = 0.1) or of AKI at H72 (16 (26%) vs 50 (32%), respectively; P = 0.4).Comparison of MAP between patients groupsThe two-factor ANOVA for repeated measurements examining MAP from H6 to H24 showed that MAP was significantly different between noAKIh72 patients and AKIh72 patients (P = 0.016) and between noAKIh6 patients and AKIh6 patients (P = 0.043).
The analysis disclosed the same results when re-run with MAP from H12 to H24 as the dependent variable, and AV-951 in addition showed a significant interaction between the factors AKI at H6 and AKI at H72 (P = 0.049). When re-run in the sub-group of patients with AKI at H6, with AKI at H72 and septic shock as the two independent variables, this analysis showed that MAP from H6 to H24 was significantly different between patients with and without AKI at H72 (P = 0.01) and that AKI at H72 and septic shock interacted to influence MAP (P = 0.02). These results allowed us to compared MAP at each time point between the different sub-groups of patients.As illustrated in Figure Figure2,2, in the AKIh6 patients, MAP at each time point between H10 and H24 was significantly lower in patients who had AKI at H72 than in those who did not. In the noAKIh6 patients, MAP did not differ between patients who had AKI at H72 than in those who did not. As shown in Figure Figure33 this difference in MAP evolution between noAKIh72 patients and AKIh72 patients was also retrieved in the population of septic shock patients (n = 127) but not in patients with non septic shock.