SDS PAGE and nitrocellulose transfer Beads were mixed with 12 ��l of 1 PNK EGTA buffer, 3 ��l of freshly made 1 M DTT and 15 ��l of 4 NuPAGE LDS sample buffer, and incubated at 70 C for 10 minutes. Beads were removed, and the supernatant was loaded onto NuPAGE 4 12% Bis Tris gel and run at 150 V for 35 minutes. The gel was transferred to Protran BA 85 nitrocellulose membrane using Novex wet transfer at 30 V for 1 h. A broad band from 31 kDa up to the top of the gel was excised, cut into small pieces, and transfered into a microfuge tube. RNA isolation and purification Excised membranes were incubated with 500 ��l of 4 mg ml Proteinase K prepared in 1 PK buffer for 20 min utes at 37 C on a Thermomixer. We added 500 ��l of 7 M urea prepared in 1 PK buffer to the tube followed by another 20 minute incubation at 37 C.
The Protei nase K digestion reaction was mixed with 1 ml of phe nol chloroform isoamyl alcohol 25 24 1 by vortexing and spun for 5 minutes at 20,000Xg. The liquid phase was transferred into a new tube, mixed with 125 ��l of 3 M NaOAc, 2. 5 ml of 100% ethanol and 1 ��l of 15 mg ml glycoblue, and precipitated for 2 h at 80 C. RNAs Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries were collected by centrifugation for 20 minutes at 20,000Xg at room temperature followed by two washes with cold 75% ethanol. RNA 5 end phosphorylation RNA pellets were air dried briefly, resuspended in 10 ��l of PNK mix, 1 U ��l SUPERase In and incubated at 37 C for 30 minutes. The reaction was combined with 90 ��l of H2O and 100 ��l of phenol chloroform isoamyl alcohol 25 24 1, mixed well and spun for 5 minutes at 20,000Xg.
The liquid phase was mixed with 12. 5 ��l of 3 M NaOAc, 250 ��l of 100% ethanol, 1 ��l of 15 mg ml glycoblue Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and precipitated for 2 h at 80 C. RNAs were collected by cen trifugation for 20 minutes at 20,000Xg at room tempera ture, followed by two washes with cold 75% ethanol. 5 RNA linker ligation RNA pellets were resuspended in Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 10 ��l of ligation mix, 1 U ��l SUPERaseIn, 10% DMSO and incubated at 15 C for 2 h. RNA size selection Ligation reaction was terminated by adding 10 ��l of 2 formamide gel loading buffer, heated for 2 minutes at 70 C and then quickly chilled on ice. Samples were loaded onto a 6% TBE UREA gel and run at 150 V for 45 minutes. After staining with 1 Sybr Gold Stain, a gel piece corresponding to a 70 to 90 nucleo tide RNA was excised, crushed, and soaked in 400 ��l of 0.
3 M NaOAc overnight at room temperature. After removing gel Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries pieces, the solution was Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries combined with 1 ml of 100% ethanol and 1 ��l of 15 mg ml glycoblue and precipitated for 2 h at 80 C. RNAs were collected selleck chemical by centrifugation for 20 minutes at 20,000Xg at room temperature, followed by two washes with cold 75% ethanol. After brief drying, RNAs were resuspended in 15 ��l of H2O. RT PCR The ligated RNA was combined with 2 ul of 5 ��M RT primer, heated at 65 C for 5 minutes, and then quickly chilled on ice, and followed by the addition of 1 ��l of 10 mM dNTP, 1 ul of 0.