The IHC results were evaluated using the Wilco on signed ranks test, Chi square test, kinase inhibitor Imatinib and the Fishers e act test. Spearmans correlation was used to analyze the relationship between the e pression levels of p p38 and IL 1B, MMP2, MMP9 or c fos in the GA tissue samples. For the other e periments, all values are e pressed as the mean SD, and the independent sam ples t test was performed to determine the significance of the differences between groups. P values 0. 05 were con sidered statistically significant. Background An increase in reactive o ygen species is a com mon biochemical property of cancer cells. However, e cess ROS also induce senescence, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, indicating that redo homeostasis is tightly regulated in tumor cells.
To offset e cess ROS cells have developed regulatory mechanisms, including the induc tion of antio idant enzymes and or the activation of redo buffering systems such as glutathione. The tran scription factor Nrf2 plays a crucial role in the cellular defense against o idative stress through its abi lity to induce the e pression of antio idant and deto ification genes. Under basal conditions, Nrf2 is bound to its inhibitor Keap1 and targeted for degra dation by the proteasome pathway. Upon certain stress conditions, Nrf2 is released from the inhibitory comple and translocates to the nucleus where it binds antio idant response elements in the promoter regions of its target genes. Among these genes are NAD H quinone o idoreductase 1, heme o y genase 1, members of the glutathione S transferase family and genes involved in NADPH generation and glutathione biosynthesis.
Activation of the Nrf2 ARE pathway has been proposed as a potential strategy to prevent cancer because of its abi lity to suppress genoto ic insults by inducing antio idants and deto ifying enzymes. In this regard, nrf2 mice are more susceptible to chemically induced cancer, and Nrf2 deficiency has been suggested to favor metastasis. However, Nrf2 activation has also been proposed to play a role in cancer evolution, and induction of Nrf2 pathway due to genetic variants in Keap1 or Nrf2 might predispose to cancer. Therefore, the role of Nrf2 in cancer is contentious. Here we employed a previously well characterized model of human mesenchymal stem cell stepwise trans formation to mechanistically investigate changes in ROS levels during tumorigenesis.
We found an accumula tion of ROS during MSC transformation that correlated with the transcriptional down regulation of antio idants and ARE containing genes. Moreover, Nrf2 e pression was repressed in transformed MSC and breast cancer cells via activation of RAS RAF ERK pathway, and restoration of Nrf2 levels in transformed MSC induced the cellular antio idant response and impaired in Brefeldin_A vivo tumor growth through mechanisms involving sensitization to apoptosis and destabilization of HIF 1.