The overall accuracy identifies the total percentage of subjects (true nondecliners plus true decliners) accurately classified by the predictor variable. The results of these studies assessing putative cognitive predictors of dementia indicate that a small set of psychometric measures can relatively accurately detect pathological
decline in nondemented (especially MCI) elderly people. The best single predictors were measures of recent verbal/visuospatial learning and memory, espedaily from tests of delayed recall. Other predictors that have been frequently identified include assessments of language OSI906 function and psychomotor integration. Table II. Summary of relatively large-sample studies (N>70) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical examining the accuracy of neuropsychological Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical measures in predicting decline to dementia. MCI, mild cognitive impairment. *Decline to Alzheimer’s disease. Reproduced from reference 59: Kluger A,
… It is apparent that not all elderly who are classified as MCI eventually decline to dementia, at least over follow-up intervals of several years. If the definition of MCI at baseline is based on global staging scales (CDR=0.5 or GDS=3), a trade-off can be observed between the added strictness in the definition imposed by additional psychometric criteria and the proportion of decliners observed at follow-up. But this added sensitivity comes at a cost: some decliners will not be identified. Illustrating this Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical point are data described in Table III, representing a recalculation of results from a previous longitudinal report/8 if MCI is defined as all elderly with a baseline GDS=3 (a relatively lax criterion), Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 68% (59 of 87 cases) of this group will decline at follow-up, roughly 4 years later. If additional criteria are imposed on top of the global scale scores (ie, progressively poorer performance on a test of delayed paragraph recall), the percentage Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of this group that will eventually decline increases substantially
For example, if the definition of MCI is based on GDS=3 as well as a recall score of <4 at baseline, 98% (45 of 46 cases) of this group will decline, but nearly one-quarter of the future decliners (14 of the 59 decliners) will be missed using this relatively strict definition. It is very likely that similar patterns of trade-offs will occur with any sensitive psychometric, biological, or imaging marker when combined with a global scale score definition of MCI. For example, 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase as has been seen, the stratification of the CDR stage 0.5 by the additional clinical criteria suggested by Morris21 results in divergent expectations with respect to rapidity of decline to dementia. Knowledge of these trade-offs has been helpful in selecting enriched MCI samples for drug-treatment trials. Often, only those MCI cases (identified initially by global rating scale classifications) with heightened risk of future decline based on poor memory scores are included in the treatment studies.