The potential see more energy of a particle in the spherical coordinates has the following form: (1) where R 0 is the radius of a QD. The radius of a QD and effective Bohr radius of a Ps
a p play the role of the problem parameters, which radically affect the behavior of the particle inside a QD. In our model, the criterion of a Ps formation possibility is the ratio of the Ps effective Bohr radius and QD radius (see Figure 1a). In what follows, we analyze the problem in two SQ regimes: strong and weak. Figure 1 The electron-positron pair in the (a) spherical QD and (b) circular QD. Strong size quantization regime LY2874455 clinical trial In the regime of strong SQ, when the condition R 0 ≪ a p takes place, the energy of the Coulomb interaction between an electron and positron is much less than the energy caused by the SQ contribution. In this approximation, the Coulomb interaction between the electron and positron can be neglected. The problem then
reduces to the determination of an electron and positron energy states separately. As noted above, the dispersion law for narrow-gap semiconductors is nonparabolic and is given in the following form [11, 36]: (2) where S ~ 108 cm/s is the parameter related to the semiconductor bandgap . Let us write the Klein-Gordon equation P505-15 nmr [43] for a spherical QD consisting of InSb with electron and positron when their Coulomb interaction is neglected: (3) where P e(p) is the momentum operator of the particle (electron, positron), is the effective Nintedanib (BIBF 1120) mass of the particle, and E is the total energy of the system. After simple transformations, Equation 3 can be written as the reduced Schrödinger equation: (4) where , is the effective Rydberg energy of a Ps, κ is the dielectric constant
of the semiconductor, and is a Ps effective Bohr radius. The wave function of the problem is sought in the form . After separation of variables, one can obtain the following equation for the electron: (5) where is a dimensionless energy. Seeking the wave function in the form , the following equation for the radial part of (5) could be obtained: (6) Here, , l is the orbital quantum number, m is magnetic quantum number, is the reduced mass of a Ps, is dimensionless bandgap width, is the analogue of fine structure constant, and is the analogue of Compton wavelength in a narrow bandgap semiconductor with Kane’s dispersion law. Solving Equation 6, taking into account the boundary conditions, one can obtain the wave functions: (7) where , J l + 1/2(z) are Bessel functions of half-integer arguments, and Y lm (θ, φ) are spherical functions [44]. The following result could be revealed for the electron eigenvalues: (8) where α n,l are the roots of the Bessel functions.