The salt influxes were concentrated in the deep portion of the channels at 0–6 km and 14.8–15.2 km, rather than in the shoal region at the Cape Henry cross-section. The baroclinic component of the tidally averaged salt flux excluding QfS0 was also calculated, and the magnitude is about half of the total Selleck Stem Cell Compound Library flux,
as shown in the bottom panel. It is concluded that both barotropic and baroclinic components contributed to oceanic saltwater influxes during the first stages of the hurricanes. Local winds that exert stress on the surface of the water can cause direct wind mixing, and reduce the stratification, but a moderate down-estuary wind can also induce a wind-straining effect, which under certain conditions increases stratification
(Scully et al., 2005). Due to their tracks, Hurricanes Floyd and Isabel produced distinctly different local wind stresses, a down-estuary and an up-estuary stress. This difference provides a natural test bed for examining how the direction of the axial wind affects the vertical stratification and the salt transport. Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor In order to reasonably compare the wind-induced mixing process between the two hurricanes, a controlled experiment is required to ensure that the local and remote winds are separated, that different pre- and post-hurricane conditions are equalized, and that the background conditions are uniform. To start with, the background state of the estuarine system is required to be in a quasi-steady state prior to the hurricane. Upon the passage of the hurricane, the estuarine system will experience the hurricane’s wind forcing, and then eventually return to the quasi-steady state when all of
the external perturbations Vorinostat are removed. Table 6 shows seven experiments that were performed to examine the mixing process induced by the local and remote meteorological external forcing during the two hurricanes, Floyd (FL) and Isabel (IS). Four types of wind forcing were considered: no wind (NW), local (L), remote (R), and combined (C). Fig. 15 shows wind and pressure fields selected from the real hurricane conditions for the controlled experiment. The base run used only the M2 tidal constituent and a constant river discharge of 550 m3 s−1, which characterizes the summer average flow in the Bay. The use of a single semi-diurnal tidal constituent precludes investigation of the effect of spring–neap tides on salinity. A constant ambient current of 10 cm s−1 was specified at the cross-shore open boundaries in the continental shelf, based on the work of Cho (2009). To obtain the initial salinity condition in an equilibrium state, the model was spun up for 180 days without meteorological forcing from a cold start, such that salinity had a linear variation horizontally from the Bay head (0 ppt) to the open ocean (34–35 ppt) with no stratification in the vertical direction.