They feared side effects;

especially whether the vaccine

They feared side effects;

especially whether the vaccine would have a potential effect on future reproduction: “vaccinations in this country that are linked to issues of reproduction have had very bad results later on,” or the vaccine could “disorder and destroy the eggs that a girl has, and Ipatasertib in vivo reproducing would be a problem.” The aunt of one student was suspicious of the vaccine and had told her: “they are coming to implant cancer in people… they are coming to reduce reproduction” (GD Nyakato). Most participants trusted the safety of the vaccine, since it had been explained that the Tanzanian government had approved the vaccine: “I know the government cannot do something malicious to children” (parent, GD Mirongo). All parents stated they would agree to have their daughters vaccinated, but some hesitated when confronted with an unknown infection (HPV), disease (cervical cancer), and vaccine: “That disease you are talking about, we are completely in the dark about it” (parent, GD Mkolani), and “The vaccine will have a benefit if it does not have harmful side-effects” (parent, GD Mirongo). The five male teachers (GD, Malulu) who opposed vaccination also commented that the vaccine might give

girls a license to start sexual activity: “if this is introduced, a person would have the freedom to do anything.” A few religious representatives also echoed this concern but most found the vaccine a ‘good GS-1101 price thing’ because it would protect adolescent girls. No parents thought that the vaccine would encourage sexual activity among the targeted girls. Generally, teachers, parents, students, and health workers preferred age-based vaccination

as they believed that this would target more students who had not yet started sexual activity; choosing students in School Year 6 [where the mean age whatever is 13.9 years (range 11–22 years)] would include a greater age-range and older girls who might have started sex. Participants suggested vaccinating much younger girls: “a ten-year-old child has already started with sex, the ones who have not started are those aged seven” (parent, GD Mirongo). A few suggested testing girls’ HPV status before vaccination. If class-based delivery was to be used, participants preferred classes lower than Year 6. A few parents preferred class-based delivery because of simpler logistics, since each girl’s age would not need to be checked. Other interviewees focused more on student understanding and preferred 12-year-olds: these would be “mature enough” to understand the vaccination information and could help to “educate parents” (teacher, GD Serengeti); those in Year 6 would “value” the vaccine more (health worker, IDI Makongoro).

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