To study the fluctuations in particle numbers a novel approach has been developed; to be referred to as the Pair approach based Reaction Noise EStimator (PARNES) method. The PARNES method is based on the full Kirkwood superposition approximation implemented at the pair level. Kirkwood’s method has been adapted to study stochastic properties of an arbitrary reaction network in a perfectly mixed reaction volume. PARNES works well for large particle numbers. It provides qualitative description when particle numbers are low. The PARNES method
can easily augment mean field calculations. Extension of the method beyond the selleckchem pair approach level is straightforward. Both stationary and non-stationary properties of the model were investigated, and the findings of this work point to two possible scenarios of intracellular noise control. When k is increased, the fluctuations in the number of product molecules become smaller (sub-Poissonian) in a stationary state, and relaxation to a stationary state becomes faster. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“It is controversial whether the organization of biographical information relating to known persons is categorical [10] or associative [1]. To shed light on semantic organization, researchers have studied semantic access of
proper names using priming or interference paradigms with associated and/or category-specific primes or distractors, in recognition, familiarity or naming tasks. Depending on the task, categorical and/or associative effects have been obtained. In order to disambiguate those conflicting results, in the present event-related potentials (ERP) study, we capitalized on the fact that the N400 component is sensitive to the congruity of a stimulus with the current semantic context. we used an interference paradigm with delayed naming, in which a celebrity face target and a proper name distractor (auditory stimulus) were either associated or belonged
to the same category (in the control condition, (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate the face was preceded by a white noise). The results showed an associative interference effect with a more negative N400 component for associated name distractors than in the other conditions. These results are consistent not only with a categorical organization but also with an associative organization of biographical information for people. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The presence of multiple foci in population patterns may be due to various processes arising in the population dynamics. Group dispersal, which has been lightly investigated for airborne species, is one of these processes.
We built a stochastic model generating the dispersal of groups of particles. This model may be viewed as an extension of classical dispersal models based on parametric kernels.