It is built in MATLAB, but is distributed as a compiled exe cutable, as such, it is usable in a Windows environment by downloading the MATLAB Compile Runtime Environment, which is free to download and requires no MATLAB Belnacasan (VX-765) installation. It is available online at, ranadippal research. html under the Tar get Inhibition Map approach to inference of cancer path ways heading. High throughput cell imaging assays allow broad and quantitative measurement of the response of cell popula tions to perturbations including drugs, small molecules and small interfering RNA. Screens have revealed genes whose depletion affects cell cycle progres sion, measured the effects of drugs on the morphology of HeLa cells and identified novel DNA damage fac tors by grouping genes by phenotypic similarity.
Most screening experiments are performed as endpoint assays and provide observations that in many cases are conse quences of unseen intermediate events. Thus, functional interpretation of results from endpoint analysis can be obscured by indirect effects. High throughput time lapse imaging is a technique that overcomes this limita tion and considerably extends the potential of biologi cal discovery by capturing the dynamic aspects of the observed phenotypes. A typical feature of large scale assays is that the range of observed phenotypes has multi ple dimensions, reflecting for example the different effects of perturbations on cell growth, cytoskeleton structure, cell division or motility. A goal of the data analysis is the extraction of multivariate, but relatively low dimensional phenotypic descriptors that are biologically meaningful, interpretable and robust to experimental noise.
In the case of time resolved data, the time dependence of the observations needs to be appropriately described and summarised. The Mitocheck project performed a time lapse imag ing assay that employed siRNAs to test the implication of human genes in transient biological Drug_discovery processes such as cell division or migration genome wide. In this experiment, HeLa cells stably expressing core histone 2B tagged with green fluorescent protein were seeded on siRNA spotted slides, incubated for 18 h and imaged with automated fluorescence microscopy for 48 h. Video sequences of cell populations on each siRNA spot were analysed by image segmentation, and at each frame, each individual cell was categorised into one of 16 morpho logical classes mostly related to cell division. By comparing the abundances of the different morphological classes to negative control experiments, 1249 genes were identified as potential mitotic hits. Subsequently, further validation experiments were done using independent siRNAs and res cue of 16 gene products using orthologous mouse genes.