No parameters governing transcriptional regu lation or other downstream processes have significant effects on NF B activation during this early time interval as evidenced by Z-VAD-FMK solubility their very small sensitivity scores. Moreover, this ruled out the possibility that feed back from other I B isoforms not included in this model could be added to account for the discrepan cies in the dynamics. This suggested that the brief delay in the initiation of NF B activation observed in micro glia was likely due to unmodeled dynamics involved in the IKK dependent degradation of I Ba or to dynamics in the upstream signaling pathway governing IKK activa tion, allowing us to restrict our initial attention to only a subset of key upstream parameters.
To more easily explore these possibilities and to facili tate model development, we first considered the downstream network independently of the upstream IKK activation network. IKK interacts with the down stream module only through its enzymatic phosphoryla tion of I Ba and through feedback inhibition from A20. We isolated the downstream network by breaking the outer A20 feedback loop and using the interpolated experimental IKK activation data as the model input in a manner resembling previous work by others. With the IKK profile fixed as the model input, the least squares parameter estimation procedure was repeated with certain parameter values and biological features constrained by the literature. Simulations of the existing downstream model with the estimated parameters predicted free NF B levels increasing sooner than what was detected in microglia, as was also the case for the full model.
To test whether this result was limited to a particular set of values or held more generally, many additional estimates were obtained starting from initial values randomly sampled from the parameter space using both a least squares objective function and an alternative objective function adapted from the parameter estimation method proposed by. Following the methodology in, we applied an a posteriori statistical test based on Fishers Method to check whether model simulations at each esti mated parameter set were consistent with the experimen tal data, taking into account measurement errors in the data. The results showed that with the ori ginal model structure, 100% of the estimated parameter sets had P values 10 7, leading us to con clude that the original model could not produce dynamics consistent with the data. Taken together with the sensitivity results showing that very few system parameters significantly affect NF B activation during the first GSK-3 10 min of activation, this strongly suggested there were likely unmodeled dynamics within the IKK induced I Ba degradation pathway.