We assume that the rail line AB is divided into L grids with equa

We assume that the rail line AB is divided into L grids with equal length l; each cell is either

empty PLK inhibition selleck or occupied by a train. Stations A and B as well as the intermediate station occupy a block subsection, respectively; each block subsection contains integer grids; namely, the length of the subsection is the integer multiple of l; the interval distance of any two of the stations contains integer block subsections; namely, the station spacing is also the integer multiple of l. Let the train speeds be an integer between 0 and Vg, where Vg is the maximum allowable speed of the trains. Divide the analog line into a number of block subsections; each subsection contains a number of cells. Let the train run from left to right, and set the first signal light at the far left end of the rail line. Figure 1 Rail line diagram. 2.1. Define the Speed Limit Function 2.1.1. Green-Yellow Light Speed Limit Function If the signal light in front of the train is green-yellow, the train’s speed should be less than or equal to the green-yellow speed limit function Vgy(s), while Vgy(s) should meet Vgys2−Vg2=2as, Vgys≤Vg, (1) where s is the distance between the train and the front signal light, a is the train’s acceleration, Vgy(s) is the limit speed of green-yellow, Vg is the

maximum allowable speed of the train when light turns green, and Vgy is the yellow speed limit. So we can get Vgys=int⁡min⁡sqrt2as+Vgy2,Vg, (2) where int stands for the rounding operation, min stands for the minimal value, and sqrt stands for the square root. 2.1.2. Yellow Light Speed Limit Function If the signal light in front of the train is yellow, the train speed should be less than or equal to the yellow speed limit function Vy(s), while Vy(s) should meet Vys2−Vy2=2as, Vys≤Vgy, (3) where s is the distance between the train and the front signal light, a is the train’s acceleration, Vy(s) is the limit speed of yellow, Vgy is the maximum allowable speed of the train when light turns green-yellow, and Vy is the yellow speed limit. So we can get Vys=int⁡min⁡sqrt2as+Vy2,Vgy. (4) 2.1.3. Red Light Speed Limit Function

If the signal light in front of the train is red, the train should stop. So we can get Vrs=int⁡min⁡sqrt2as,Vy, (5) where s is the distance between the train and the front signal light, a is the train’s acceleration, and Vr(s) is the limit speed of red. 2.1.4. Train Brefeldin_A Passing the Station Speed Limit Function If the light in front of the train shows the signal of passing the station, the speed of the train must be less than the station speed limit Vz, when passing through the station through the home signal, and the station speed limit Vtg(s) is Vtgs=int⁡min⁡sqrt2as+Vz2,Vg, (6) where s is the distance between the train and the front signal light, a is the train’s acceleration, Vtg(s) is the limit speed of passing the station, and Vz is the limit speed of station. 2.1.5.

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