Nevertheless, in cases of a defined number of lipids, this can be

Nevertheless, in cases of a defined number of lipids, this can be a highly specific identification strategy as shown successfully for oxysterols

[42], positional isomer analysis of phospholipids [43] and in depth analysis of PIP PRT062607 species [44]. While chromatographic separation of lipids is often performed on reversed phase HPLC according to fatty acyl Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical chains, this strategy runs into its limits when cholesterol esters (CE) are to be analyzed in the presence of bulk amounts of TG. Due to their very similar hydrophobicity CE and TG are hardly separated on reversed phase and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) columns, resulting in suppression of low abundant CE by TG (Figure 2). In contrast, silica-based normal phase HPLC provides separation of these lipid classes by their polar functional groups, but usually highly non polar solvents with low ionization capacity have to be used. Hutchins et al. [45] use APCI and post-column addition of a polar solvent to increase ionization properties of the non polar solvent Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical eluting Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical from normal phase HPLC. This results in a practicable online bridging between normal phase HPLC and triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, which can either be used in precursor ion, MRM or single quadrupole mode for determination of neutral lipids [34,46]. 3.2. High

Resolution Mass Spectrometry Quadrupole-TOF mass spectrometry offers several Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical advantages. On one hand, this instrumentation provides resolution of up to 40,000

and mass accuracy of better than 5 ppm, which is sufficient for pinning down many of the elemental compositions encountered in lipidomic analysis. On the other hand, TOF analyzers have a very high scan rate and acquire full product ion spectra very fast and efficient. On the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical downside is the usually limited dynamic range of the detector, which limits quantitation to a rather narrow concentration range. Nevertheless this kind of instrumentation is a valuable tool when coupled to reversed phase HPLC. Successful application of this experimental setup was used for analysis of TG and oxidized TG species. In this case, it was even possible to determine the actual fatty acid composition of TG molecular Cytidine deaminase species by product ion spectra on all major species [47]. An excellent example for an integrated lipidomic platform relying on reversed phase ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) quadrupole-TOF is shown by the group of Oresic [48], whereby a combination of retention time, exact precursor mass and product ion spectra are used for identification of lipids from various lipid classes. In contrast to widely used gradient elution, the group of Wenk present a profiling method based on quadrupole-TOF and isocratic reversed phase HPLC [49] used for determination of anionic glycerophospholipids, glycolipids, fatty acids, prenols and sphingolipids.

93 These investigators employed an array of complementary measure

93 These investigators employed an array of complementary measures, including the N-back fMRI paradigm, MRI spectroscopy, and postmortem

histopathology aimed at testing for an association with ITF2357 clinical trial schizophrenia and with putative intermediate phenotypes to a previously identified gene candidate, GRM3, and exploring potential mechanisms of its effects. GRM3 encodes the mGluR3 receptor, which modulates synaptic glutamate, dopamine, and GABA. Evidence of aberrant prefrontal cortical function associated with disrupted glutamatergic pathways has been widely Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical reported.94,96-98,104-108 For instance, investigators have found reduced expression of the excitatory amino acid transporter Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (EAAT2) mRNA of patients with schizophrenia.97,104,108 In addition, animal models using mGluR2/3 agonists have been shown to block ketamine-induced cognitive deficits and psychosis-like behavioral abnormalities,109,110 thus suggesting a possible role for GRM3 in psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia. GRM3 is also expressed in astrocytes, where it has been shown to regulate expression of EAAT2, also known as the glial glutamate transporter104,105 which is critically Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical responsible for reuptake of synaptic glutamate. Together, this evidence supports a potentially

important role for this gene in regulation of glutamate neurotransmission. Previous studies have found that GRM3 maps to 7q21.1, a region that has shown evidence of linkage with schizophrenia in at least one family study111 SNPs in exon 3 and intron 3, 17 kb apart, were previously shown to be associated with schizophrenia112,113; in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical another study, support for GRM3 association in schizophrenia

was strong on an initial sample, but failed to support association on a replication sample.107 Egan et al93 found that a common GRM3 haplotype Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical was strongly associated with schizophrenia (P=0.0001); within this haplotype, the A allele of an SNP in intron 2 was slightly overtransmitted to probands (P=0.02). Subsequently, these investigators studied the effects of this SNP on an array of neurobiological traits related to risk for schizophrenia (ie, putative intermediate phenotypes), and associated with glutamate neurotransmission. For tests Adenosine of cognition, there was a robust main effect of genotype associated with performance on verbal list learning and verbal fluency, each of which index prefrontal function. The physiological basis of the GRM3 effect was assessed with the N-back fMRI paradigm; in this, control subjects homozygous for the risk allele showed hyperactivation patterns in both prefrontal and medial temporal (hippocampal) regions, a reflection of inefficiency relative to the other allele carriers matched for the same performance score.

VNS in the treatment of major depression VNS was recently demonst

VNS in the treatment of major depression VNS was recently demonstrated to have an buy PFT�� antidepressant effect in a rat model, significantly better than sham treatment, and similar to other antidepressant treatments (desipramine or ECS).190 During the past 5 years, Sackeim, Rush, and colleagues have published results of open and randomized controlled studies of VNS in the treatment of major depression. A preliminary open study of VNS in 60 patients with treatment-resistant

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical nonpsychotic major depressive episode revealed a response rate of 30% to 38% by 10 weeks of treatment.191 A 2-year follow-up of this open study found a response rate of 40% to 44% after 1 year and 42% after 2 years, and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a remission rate of 27% after 1 year and 22% after 2 years.192,193 A randomized controlled study of VNS in over 200 patients with treatment-resistant, nonpsychotic, major depressive episode showed that acute treatment (10 weeks) yielded a response rate of 15% that was similar to the response rate with sham treatment (10%). 194 After the acute treatment, all patients (VNS and sham groups) received

long-term treatment with VNS for another 12 months. This was associated with a response rate of 27% and a remission rate of 16%. 195 The response rate in the group of patients who were receiving VNS plus medication or ECT for a year (27%) was significantly Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical better than the response rate of a similar Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical but nonrandomized group of patients with treatment-resistant

depression who were receiving only medication or ECT for a year (response rate was only 13 %).196 Adverse effects The most common side effects of VNS are voice alteration or hoarseness (55%), coughing (17%), shortness of breath (15%), headache Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (22%), neck pain (17%), dysphagia (20%), and pain (15%). Although most side effects usually resolve within a few weeks, voice alteration and dyspnea might persist for long periods. Reduction in current intensity decreases the severity of these symptoms.191 Mechanism of action VNS most probably alters synaptic activities at vagal afferent terminations, stimulates deep brain areas, and thus modulates antidepressant neuronal circuits in multiple limbic system structures. Brain imaging studies reveal some of these suspected brain changes. because PET measurements of cerebral blood flow in 10 patients with epilepsy before and during acute VNS treatment (both low- and high- stimulation VNS) demonstrated increased blood flow in the rostral, dorsal-central medulla, the right postcentral gyrus, bilaterally in the hypothalami, thalami, and insular cortices, and in the cerebellar hemispheres inferiorly Decreased blood flow was demonstrated bilaterally in hippocampus, amygdala, and posterior cingulate gyri.184 Similar changes in cerebral blood flow were also demonstrated during prolonged VNS treatment.

Therefore, T-tau has not been suggested as a marker for the diff

Therefore, T-tau has not been suggested as a marker for the differential diagnosis of AD.T-tau rather reflects unspecific processes of axonal damage and neuronal degeneration. This notion is further

supported by the Increase in CSF T-tau In disorders with extensive and/or rapid neuronal degeneration, such as CJD.86,87 A highly significant Increase of 580% was documented in CJD compared to AD patients. At a cutoff level of 2130 pg/mL, T-tau yielded a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 100% between AD and CJD.88 An elevation of CSF T-tau, correlating with clinical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical severity, has been shown in normal pressure hydrocephalus.89 Moreover, a marked transient increase In CSF T-tau Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical has been demonstrated after acute stroke. The transient

Increase In CSF T-tau correlated with the infarct size measured by cranial OF.90 Elevated levels of CSF T-tau have been found In patients with diffuse axonal damage after traumatic brain Injury, which decrease with clinical Improvement.91 In contrast, In neurological disorders that are mainly linked to more restricted cerebral locations and number of cells, such as alcoholic dementia, PD, progressive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical supranuclear palsy, and cortlcobasal degeneration, elevated CSF T-tau concentrations have been only occasionally reported48,60,68,76,92,93 or were normal.77 4-mu in vitro Predictive value of CSF T-tau in MCI for AD In patients suffering from MCI who converted to AD during follow-up, elevated T-tau levels were found In relatively few samples

at baseline.43,66 Memory-Impaired subjects who later progressed to manifest AD could Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical be discriminated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical by high CSF T-tau from those who did not progress with 90% sensitivity and 100% specificity.66 Longitudinally, elevated CSF levels of T-tau were found In MCI subjects and remained elevated after conversion to clinical AD.49 Another study showed that 88% of patients with MCI had elevated T-tau concentrations and/or low CSF Aβ1-42 levels at baseline.94 Thus, elevated CSF T-tau In MCI may have the potential to predict AD. Phosphorylated Idoxuridine tau protein In order to Improve specificity of measurement of tau protein as a biomarker of AD, assays have been developed to specifically detect phosphorylated tau protein (P-tau) In CSF. These assays use monoclonal antibodies specific for phosphorylated epitopes of tau: tau protein phosphorylated at serine 199 (P-tau199), threonine 231 and serine 235 (P-tau231-235),23 threonine 231 (P-tau231),24 threonine 181 (P-tau181),22,95 and serine 396 and serine 404 (P-tau396/404).96 A marked Increase In the CSF level of P-tau Is found In AD.83 This Increase probably reflects the phosphorylation state of tau, and thus possibly also the formation of tangles In AD.

A psychometric perspective on diagnosis and comorbidity13-15 can

A psychometric perspective on diagnosis and comorbidity13-15 can yield new insights. Diagnoses can be thought of as latent constructs and although the constructs have some internal validity,16 this does not necessarily mean that the latent construct is unidimensional. Psychiatric diagnoses do not have explanatory power and do not capture the complex

causal relationships within and between the genetic, neurophysiological, and behavioral features that chemical structure characterize mental illness.13 The overlap in symptoms between diagnoses and the cooccurrence Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of disorders suggest that there are “nonsymptom causal processes” (such as homeostasis) that may, in part, explain these relationships.14 Rather than searching for common causes that account for the heterogeneous features of a categorical diagnosis, the RDoC framework encourages investigators

to consider comorbidity from a multidimensional, empirical perspective that can point to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical new ways of understanding the neural and genetic underpinnings of illness. The primary goal of RDoC’s dimensional approach Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and incorporation of a range of units of analysis is not to disassemble the traditional diagnostic categories, but rather to improve our understanding of how the organization and functioning of neural circuits result in certain behaviors and symptoms that naturally co-occur and to point to new discoveries about their causal relationships. Recent research using optogenetic approaches,17 although presently limited to animal studies, exemplifies this approach by demonstrating specific, causal relationships linking the effects of disease-related genes on Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical neural circuits and behavior. Such efforts hold promise for

the type of integrative work that will allow the field to see a return on the investment in studies that have demonstrated innumerable genetic, neural, and behavioral differences Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical between diagnostic groups but have yielded few major breakthroughs in our understanding of the causes and treatments of mental illness. Concluding comments The current diagnostic framework, established all with the DSM-III in 1980, has ably served both research and clinical practice in the three decades that have elapsed since its inception. It is difficult to imagine anything like the advances that have occurred over that time without having a common language and set of diagnostic referents. As diagnosis across all areas of medicine accelerates Into an age of genetics and microbiology for understanding disease trajectories, the very success of the DSM/ICD approach is perhaps the major obstacle to considering substantive changes. The system is completely integrated into diagnostic codes for practice, insurance reimbursements, disability judgments, clinical trials, regulatory agency guidelines, and—particularly in the research perspective—grant applications and journal publications.

Left: patients homozygous for the DRD3 ser allele;


Left: patients homozygous for the DRD3 ser allele;

right: carriers of the DRD3 gly allele (hétérozygotes … Another gene-gene interaction reported in relation to TD involved DRD3 and cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2). Both genes had been found to be independently associated with schizophrenia.19 Basile et al19 further found that, those patients who exhibited the risk genotype Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical at, both DRD3 (gly9/gly9) and at CYP1A2 (CC) had the most, severe TD, whereas those who had only one risk genotype (gly9/gly9 or CC) demonstrated intermediate severity of TD. Those patients who did not, have any risk genotypes at either locus demonstrated the lowest mean TD severity scores on the AIM’S scale (P<0.00007). A more recent Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical report of gene-gene interaction conferring susceptibility to TD concerns the functional ala9val polymorphism in exon 2 of the magnesium superoxide dismutase gene (MnSOD). MnSOD is one of three isoforms of superoxide dismutase (SOD) that are important, as antioxidants in protecting cells from the deleterious effects of free radicals. The ala9 variant, is associated with less efficient, functional activity of the enzyme. Hori et al20 found a small but, significant increase in the wild type val allele in Japanese schizophrenia patients with TD, suggesting that

the ala allele may be protective against, free radical damage in TD. This finding was not, replicated by Zhang et al21 in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Chinese schizophrenia patients with TD. However, in a subsequent report Zhang et al22 found that the val-val Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical genotype was in fact associated with TD, but. only in those patients who were carriers of the gly allele of the DRD3 scr9gly polymorphism. We examined

association of the ala9val polymorphism of MnSOD with TD in Israeli schizophrenia patients and also tested for an interaction Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical between this polymorphism and the DRD3 ser9gly polymorphism (Segman et al, unpublished data). Patients were grouped according to whether they were carriers of the ala allele of MnSOD, the gly allele of DRD3, both, or neither. This grouping takes into account an effect, of DRD3 gly to increase susceptibility and a protective effect, of MnSOD ala and anticipates Sodium butyrate that patients carrying DRD3 gly and lacking MnSOD-ala will be most, susceptible to TD and will have the most severe abnormal involuntary movements. This is indeed the case. The MnSOD-val DRD3-gly genotype combination was the most, frequent, among patients with TD (64%) and the MnSOD-ala DRD3-ser genotype (24%) was the least frequent. Among patients without, TD the EGFR phosphorylation pattern was reversed. The most frequent genotype combination was Mn.SOD-ala\ DRD3-ser (76%) and the least frequent, combination was MnSOD-val DRD3-gly (38%, X 2=10.5, df=3, P=0.01). Table I shows that patients with the MnSOD-val\ DRD3-gly genotype combination have the highest, AIM’S total scores and patients with the MnSOD-ala DRD3-ser genotype combination have the lowest (F=6.16; df=3, 102; P=0.

The second group of study participants included mechanically vent

The second group of study participants included mechanically ventilated CHF patients with the same ventilator settings and same tidal volumes before and after clinical improvement. This sample was enrolled to control for the variable tidal volumes. The third group was a control group of healthy subjects with no known cardiopulmonary disease and normal chest

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical radiographs (as per official report). Recording Procedure and Data Analysis For the CHF patients, respiratory sound data was acquired on the day of presentation to the ED and again on the day of discharge. For the mechanically ventilated CHF patients, respiratory sound data was acquired when chest radiographs showed pulmonary edema and again before extubation when radiographs demonstrated an improvement in pulmonary edema. All recordings were obtained with the subjects in the seated position. The tidal volumes of the non-ventilated patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in this study were not medical measured; patients were instructed to take comfortable deep breaths for all recordings. All measurements were performed by one individual who followed a standardized protocol to obtain vibrational images.

This individual was also blinded to the clinical and radiologic information of subjects. Respiratory sounds Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical were captured using a vibration response imaging device (Deep Breeze™, Or-Akiva, Israel). This is a non-invasive computerized acoustic-based imaging technique that displays the geographic distribution of vibration energy of respiratory sounds throughout the respiratory cycle [4,5]. With this technique, 36 sensors (two arrays, one array over each Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical lung) were adhered to the patient’s back in a sitting position by a computer-controlled low vacuum and record the respiratory sound patterns. Subjects were instructed to take deep, comfortable breaths during Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 20 seconds of recording. Data collected by the sensors were processed and a grayscale video depicting

the relative geographical distribution of respiratory sound was created. Each frame of the video was created from 0.17 seconds worth of data. The maximal energy frame was the frame in the video sequence that usually provided the most information on the distribution of lung vibration and usually approximated peak inspiration. The image second from this frame was used for the area measurements. The image represents the relative distribution of vibration energy, not the absolute energy. A larger image indicates a more homogeneous distribution of vibration intensity throughout the lung and a smaller image a more focal distribution (Figure ​(Figure11). Figure 1 Vibration energy image. 36 vibration response imaging (VRI) sensors are spaced over the patient’s back and detect vibrations during respiration. The size of the dots is a cartoon representation of the amount of vibration energy detected by that sensor. …

2013) In the present study, we found that in a normal, healthy h

2013). In the present study, we found that in a normal, healthy human

nerve, RAGE is expressed in almost 30% of all nerve fibers and that number is higher in pathological states such as peripheral neuropathy. We also found that the expression level of RAGE was higher in neuropathic nerves as compared to the control nerve. Given that the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical disease was already established, it is not possible to discern if such expression changes were consequences of local traumatic or toxic events and/or whether those changes might have preceded or occurred concurrently with hyperglycemia-evoked peripheral nerve changes observed in diabetes. With respect to the ligands of RAGE in the nerve tissue, we found that the expression of two of the RAGE ligands, HMGB1 and CML, is also higher in the neuropathic nerves; however, their expression levels varied between the neuropathic specimens and controls. While the level of HMGB1 was similar in both idiopathic and diabetic neuropathic nerve, CML level was significantly different between the neuropathic

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical specimens. The observed differences might be explained by the fact that following injury, HMGB1 is not only secreted by immune cells Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical but by neurons as well, thus potentially promoting nerve repair by enhancing axonal sprouting and outgrowth (Lotze and Tracey 2005; Tian et al. 2009). Further, its expression might be unaffected by secondary, hyperglycemic, conditions observed in the diabetic peripheral neuropathy (Faraco et Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical al. 2007; Shibasaki et al. 2010; Rapamycin supplier Feldman et al. 2012; Juranek et al. 2013). In addition, it has been shown in vitro that blocking RAGE inhibits HMGB1-mediated neuronal development (Hori et al. 1995) indicating that RAGE-HMGB1 interaction might be crucial for repair mechanisms

in the neuropathic nerve. On the contrary, CML is thought to be one of the key molecules in the inflammatory, RAGE-NF-κB-dependent pathway in diabetes, but also, independently from RAGE, it plays an important role in cumulative oxidative stress-induced Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical neuronal changes, (Haslbeck et al. 2007), contributing to the pathogenesis of neuropathy. Extensive study of CML expression in different types of peripheral neuropathies (Haslbeck et al. 2007) revealed that increased oxidative stress and/or CML-RAGE-NF-κB-activated pathway likely plays a role in diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency related Idoxuridine and chronic inflammatory demyelinating peripheral neuropathy, however, the authors did not observe either RAGE or CML increase in the idiopathic neuropathy. This discrepancy might be explained by the fact that the term “idiopathic neuropathy” comprises many different, unrelated, neuropathies caused by multiple factors and cannot be treated as one disease entity. Finally, we found that the expression of mDia1, a cytoplasmic actin-binding protein, described for the first time as an intracellular RAGE ligand in 2008 (Hudson et al.

While selective serotonin reuptake blockers are among the most wi

While selective serotonin reuptake blockers are among the most widely prescribed medications

in the world, many patients do not respond. Specifically, the largest clinical effectiveness study of citalopram reported that less than 30% of the entire sample of patients experienced a complete remission of their symptoms.11 While the ultimate Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical goal of pharmacodynamically designed pharmacogenomic testing is to identify a drug for a specific patient that will definitely be effective, at the current stage of our understanding, it is only possible to identify a medication that is more Ulixertinib mouse likely to be effective. The serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) SLC6A4 is located on chromosome 17 and consists of 37 800 nucleotides. It codes for an enzyme that is composed of 630 amino acids. SLC6A4 is the most widely genotyped pharmacogenomic “target” gene. A meta-analysis of studies Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the relationship between the more active long form of the indel promoter variant of this gene and responses to selective serotonin

reuptake inhibitors12 confirmed the early finding that the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical long form is associated with a more rapid and better response.13 However, this has not consistently been demonstrated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in patients of Asian ancestry.14, 15 The importance of ancestral heritage has been further demonstrated by multiple analyses of the large STAR*D effective treatment study. Analyses that did not consider ancestral background did not demonstrate a significant association,16 while those that focused on patients who identified themselves as “white”

but not “Hispanic” did confirm the relationship that patients who were homozygous for the more Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical active long form of the indel promoter polymorphism were more likely to respond to citalopram. Other variants, such as rs2553117 and the second intronic VNTR18 are likely to influence the activity level of the gene and, consequently, its response to medications 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase that block its ability to reuptake serotonin in the synapses of the central nervous system. The serotonin receptor 2A gene (HTR2A) HTR2A is located on chromosome 13 and consists of 62 663 nucleotides. Despite its large size, it codes for an enzyme that is composed of only 471 amino acids. There have been a series of studies examining the association between variants of HTR2A and antidepressant response. A large study examining the response of depressed patients of European ancestry to citalopram found that a positive response to citalopram was associated with having a copy of the adenine allele of rs7997012.

3 (21 4%) of these patients had advanced age and poor performance

3 (21.4%) of these patients had advanced age and poor performance status for surgery, and 11 of them refused

undergoing an operation. The main reason for the patients’ rejection of surgery was their advanced ages. Only 3 (21.4%) of 14 patients experienced recurrence and only 2 (14.3%) patients died due to disease progression. 2 of 3 patients with recurrence had operable rectal cancer recurrence and one had peritoneal carcinomatous relapse. We have determined that PFS was over 2 years Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and OS was up to 3 years. The outcomes of treatment in locally advanced stage rectal cancer may vary according to the methods in the literature. In spite of advances in surgical techniques and routinely applied total mesorectal selleck inhibitor excision, the survival rates in patients with only surgical treatment is less than 50%, however, it can rise up to 80% in patients receiving neoadjuvant CRT and adjuvant CT in addition to surgical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical treatment. Locally advanced stage rectal cancer, despite the proven efficacy of the addition of CRT and CT to surgical treatment in patients receiving all

three treatments, this rate is still Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical high recurrence rates, significant levels with 25-50% (5,11-20). The patients included in our study had not undergone surgical treatment, however, 1, 3 and 5-year OS rates were 92.9%, 69.8% and 52.4% and the local recurrence rates were 14.2%, and compared to the which undergone surgical treatment patients in the literature the outcomes were reasonable, suggesting that administering CRT followed by CT is an appropriate treatment option for patients who could not be operated due to any other reason. Eleven (78.6%) of 14 patients in our study had comorbid Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical diseases and 4 of 6 patients died due non-cancer reasons.

Although Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the surgical methods used in rectal cancer show significant variations among centers in the literature, the morbidity rate is approximately 30% and the mortality rate is 2%, and these methods result hospitalization up to 3 to 45 days (22-24). When considering all of these outcomes, it seems that CRT with a less morbidity rate is an alternative treatment option instead of surgical treatment in patients with advanced age and comorbid see more diseases. Although there are a limited number of studies demonstrating that adjuvant CT is another important treatment in rectal cancer, it was shown that patients in the CT arm had better survival compared with the other arms (5). The following studies revealed that patients receiving CT had less recurrences and death rates compared with the non-receivers (8,14). On the other hand, it was shown that orally administered adjuvant CT instead of parenteral CT also increase survival in patients with locally advanced stage rectal cancer (15). In our study some of the patients had received capecitabine. Since our study is a retrospective study, it has the specific deficits of retrospective studies.