The presence of Re alloying at the interface improves the adhesio

The presence of Re alloying at the interface improves the adhesion, but does not affect the nature of interfacial Mo-C bonds. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3624580]“
“This 24-week, open, single-arm, prospective, multicenter study evaluated the effects of conversion from ciclosporin to Tacrolimus QD in adult kidney transplant patients. Stable patients receiving ciclosporin were converted to Tacrolimus QD at 0.1 mg/kg/day. Relative change in renal function (primary endpoint) was assessed using estimated creatinine clearance (eCrCl) with a noninferiority margin set at -10%. A total of 346 patients were enrolled; and 301 patients were treated per

protocol (PPS) in the hyperlipidemia (n = 42), hypertrichosis (n = 106), hypertension (n = 77) and gingival hyperplasia

(n = 76) FG-4592 datasheet groups. Relative change in eCrCl was -0.6% in all PPS patients (95% CI, -2.2; 0.9) and -5.3% in the hyperlipidemia (CI, -9.59; -0.97), 0.9% in the hypertrichosis (CI, -2.59; 4.45), -0.1% in the hypertension (CI, -3.8; 3.68), and -1% in the gingival hyperplasia groups (CI, -4.63; 2.65) (PPS), meeting noninferiority criteria. There was no acute rejection. Decreases in serum lipids and blood pressure were moderate but without meaningful change in the number of treatment medications. Substantial buy RG-7112 decreases in severity of ciclosporin-related cosmetic side effects were evident from investigator and patient self-report of symptoms. Renal function remained stable after conversion

to Tacrolimus QD. The effect of conversion on cardiovascular parameters was not clinically meaningful, however, marked improvement in ciclosporin-related cosmetic side effects was Epigenetics inhibitor observed.”
“Aims: A growing and aging population is associated with an increased incidence of cancer. Advances in radiotherapy technology have changed the way radiation is planned and delivered. This population-based study documented changes in workload and treatment complexity over a 10 year period in a Canadian province. Materials and methods: We examined the population-based radiation records of a provincial Canadian cancer centre from 2000 (or from 2005 for some measures) to 2009 inclusive. We propose new measures of workload and treatment complexity currently used in our centre that can be easily adopted by other cancer centres.

Results: Workload measured by total new-to-doctor consultations increased 30% from 2000 to 2009 (3.3% annually, P = 0.0008). Total treatment commencements increased 35% over the same time (3.9% annually, P <0.0001) but linear accelerator (linac) commencements increased at a slower rate of 2.0% annually (P=0.0002). The rates of increase in consultations and total commencements were faster than the rates of increase in the total population, the population over age 50 years, or the incidence of cancer.


The check details electrolytic nature, chemical reactivity,

and structural versatility of these ultra-high specific surface polysaccharides are advantageous and can be further tuned to serve biological functions and for biomedical applications. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 121: 2526-2534, 2011″
“A scaffold-free tissue construct was formed by assembling endothelial cell-covered spheroids, and medium perfusion through the tissue construct was investigated using hydrostatic pressure-driven culture circuit. Primary rat hepatocyte spheroids covered by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were assembled in culture chambers with a cylindrical culture space of 2 mm in diameter, and then medium was perfused through the assembled spheroids for 48 h. The medium flow rate through the culture chamber was measured over the perfusion culture time, which decreased during the first several hours, then increased or remained low depending on the amount of spheroids in the culture chamber. Histochemical analyses showed single tissue construct formation by spheroid fusion when cultured from 2 x 10(5) nuclei

spheroids, with the loss of boundaries between the spheroids. Moreover, a viable cell region was found at the center of the tissue construct in several locations. Poor adhesion was found between spheroids cultured from 4 x 10(5) nuclei spheroids. The total nuclei density in cultured tissue EPZ004777 constructs was estimated to be about half of that in HUVEC-covered hepatocyte spheroids.

This study demonstrated the possibility of medium perfusion through scaffold-free tissue constructs by assembling endothelial cell-covered spheroids, promising find more for a large tissue construct culture in vitro. (C) 2010 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.”
“This paper reports the development of a new bismuth and lead

oxide-based high-temperature ferroelectric ternary solid solution xBi(Zn1/2Ti1/2)O3-yPbZrO3-zPbTiO(3) (xBZT-yPZ-zPT). Structural analysis has been carried out by XRD and SEM. A morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) between rhombohedral and tetragonal phases has been located on a pseudobinary line 0.1BZT-0.9 [(1-x)PZ-xPT] within the ternary phase diagram. Dielectric studies of various compositions along the pseudobinary line 0.1BZT-0.9[(1-x)PZ-xPT] have been carried out in a wide range of temperatures from room temperature to 600 degrees C, on both poled and unpoled samples. Compositions near the MPB exhibit high dielectric permittivity (similar to 23000-28000). Rhombohedral compositions show a diffuse phase transition with a small frequency dispersion. Based on the dielectric properties and differential scanning calorimetry, phase transition trends versus composition along the pseudobinary line 0.1BZT-0.9[(1-x)PZ-xPT] have been demonstrated. VC 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.

“DNA methylation is a major epigenetic modification that c

“DNA methylation is a major epigenetic modification that controls gene expression in physiologic and pathologic states. Metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity are associated with profound alterations in gene expression that are caused by genetic and environmental factors. Recent reports have provided evidence that environmental factors at all ages could modify DNA methylation in somatic tissues, which suggests that DNA methylation is a more dynamic process than previously appreciated. Because of the importance of lifestyle factors in metabolic disorders, DNA Baf-A1 methylation provides a mechanism by which environmental factors, including diet and exercise, can modify genetic predisposition

to disease. This article considers Selleckchem HIF inhibitor the current evidence that defines a role for DNA methylation in metabolic disorders. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;93(suppl):897S-900S.”
“We investigated the effect of perpendicular magnetic field on quantum wires when the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) of electrons is not neglected. Based on the calculated energy dispersion, the nonlinear

ballistic conductance (G) and electron-diffusion thermoelectric power (S(d)) are calculated as functions of the electron density, temperature and applied bias voltage. A low-temperature half-step feature in G that was observed experimentally by Quay et al. [Nat. Phys. 6, 336 (2010)], as well as a new peak in Sd are reproduced here in the low density region. These phenomena are related to the occurrence

of Zeeman splitting and a SOI induced saddle point in the band structure where the channel chemical potential lies within an anticrossing gap between the saddle point of the lower subband and the bottom of the upper subband. Additionally, side peaks in G that are far away from the zero bias for the nonlinear transport, as well as a quadratic bias-voltage dependence of G near zero voltage, are predicted and discussed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3646555]“
“Leptospirosis, the world’s most ubiquitous zoonosis, is caused by pathogenic Leptospira. As microbehost interactions are specific in pathogenesis, it is likely that there are several molecules mediating the attachment of the Leptospira to mammalian cells. In this study, we analysed the attachment of Leptospira interrogans serovar Portlandvere and Leptospira this website borgpetersenii serovar Jules to untreated HEp-2 cells or HEp-2 cells treated with the various enzymes, lectins or sugars and to integrins aV beta 3 and a5 beta 1, relative to control wells. We found that both serovars bound equally well to HEp-2 cells; however, serovar Jules showed a higher level of attachment to integrins. Both serovars showed an increase in attachment to HEp-2 cells coated with lectins peanut agglutinin, Ulex europaeus agglutinin, soybean agglutinin and Erythrina cristagalli agglutinin (p similar to<similar to 0.

5%), p = 0 036] At 7 weeks, continence was even better in the fi

5%), p = 0.036]. At 7 weeks, continence was even better in the fixation group [15/23 (65%) vs 8/24 (33%), p = 0.029]. The mean pad usage was less in the fixation group (1.43 vs 2.25, p = 0.032). Conclusions. The posterior and anterior

fixation of the vesicourethral anastomosis during RRP results in an intact sphincteric mechanism, because no stretch is applied to the urethra, resulting in earlier continence.”
“Objectives: Hearing impairment and specific language disorder are two entities that seriously affect language acquisition in children and reduce their communication skills. These children require specific treatment and higher levels TH-302 cost of care than healthy children. Their language abilities also strongly influence parent-child interactions. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of the parents of hearing-impaired children and the parents of children with speech difficulties (specific language disorder).

Methods: Our study subjects included 349 parents (182 mothers and 167 fathers) of preschool-aged children with receptive expressive language disorder and 131 parents (71 mothers and 60 fathers) of this website children with severe hearing impairment.

A control group was composed of 146 parents (82 mothers and 64 fathers) of healthy children of the same age. HRQOL was assessed using the SF-36 questionnaire.

Results: For all groups of parents, the mothers had poorer scores compared with the fathers, but large differences were apparent depending on the child’s impairment. In the control group, the scores of the mothers were significantly lower than the fathers’ scores in only two (of eight) health domains. In contrast, the scores

were lower in three domains for the mothers of speech-impaired children and in six domains for the mothers of hearing-impaired children, representing the greatest difference between the parents. When compared with the control group, both the mothers and fathers of speech-impaired children scored significantly worse in five health domains. Fathers of hearing-impaired children scored significantly worse than controls in three health domains. The lowest scores, indicating the poorest HRQOL, were observed for mothers of hearing-impaired children, who obtained significantly lower scores than the control mothers in all health domains except the emotional check details role.

Conclusions: The parents of preschool-aged speech-and hearing-impaired children experience poorer HRQOL than parents of healthy children of the same age. Mothers of hearing-impaired children are especially affected, demonstrating a negative impact in almost all health domains. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Background: The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene insertion/ deletion (I/ D) polymorphism has been reported inconsistently as being associated with risk of pregnancy hypertensive disorders (PHDs). We examined these associations by performing a meta-analysis.

“Endometriotic implants were induced surgically in female

“Endometriotic implants were induced surgically in female Wistar albino rats, which were randomly divided into three groups. The rats in group I (n = 10) and group II (n

= 9) were given 2.5 mg/kg/day intraperitoneal HM781-36B price and oral atorvastatin, respectively, for 28 days. Group III (n = 9) was given no medication (control). The mean volume and weight of explants in group I were significantly lower (both P < 0.05) compared with group III. Histopathological score of the implants was significantly tower in groups I and II, when compared with group III (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively). There were significant reductions in explant concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor and matrix metalloproteinase 9 in group I (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, Ralimetinib research buy respectively) and group II (both P < 0.01) compared with group III while staining due to tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 was significantly higher in group I (P < 0.01) and group II (P < 0.01) compared with group III. Moreover, explant concentration of superoxide dismutase was significantly increased in groups I and II compared with group III (both P < 0.05). In conclusion, atorvastatin causes significant regression of endometriotic implants in rats. Moreover, intraperitoneal atorvastatin seems to be more effective than oral

atorvastatin. (C) 2009, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Objective: Neutrophil counts are used routinely as part

of the sepsis evaluation in newborn infants. In this article, we review the normal blood neutrophil concentrations and the clinical approach to neutropenia and neutrophilia in the neonatal period. Methods: A literature search was performed using the databases PubMed, EMBASE, and Scopus, and the electronic archive of abstracts presented at the annual meetings of the Pediatric Academic Societies. Results: Neutropenia and neutrophilia are documented frequently in premature infants. Neutropenia can be seen in up to 8% of all infants admitted to neonatal intensive care. Neutrophilia is even more common, reported in up to 40% of all preterm infants. Conclusions: Neutrophil counts should be carefully selleck chemicals evaluated in premature neonates. Maternal and perinatal history, physical examination, and a limited laboratory assessment is usually adequate for making a diagnosis in most infants.”
“Surgical treatment of ovarian endometriosis has been associated with damage to the ovarian tissue and premature ovarian failure in young patients. A modified surgical technique that combines cyst excision with ablation for the surgical treatment of ovarian endometriomas is presented, with the aim of reducing possible damage to the ovarian tissue without jeopardizing the results of surgery in terms of subsequent pregnancies and symptom relief.

Four single-nucleotide polymorphisms of HSD11B1 (rs846910 G/A, rs

Four single-nucleotide polymorphisms of HSD11B1 (rs846910 G/A, rs11807619 G/T, rs932335 C/G, and rs13306421

G/A) were detected using a PCR-ligase detection reaction in a case-control Pevonedistat concentration study comprising 110 CRC patients and 118 controls. Logistic regression was used to evaluate genetic associations with the occurrence of CRC. Real-time PCR was used to test the mRNA expression of HSD11B1 in 18 CRC tissues. The frequencies of the rs932335 GC genotype were significantly higher among the patients compared with controls (P=0.019). Compared with individuals carrying the GG genotype, individuals with the GC/CC genotype had a significantly increased susceptibility to CRC occurrence (odds ratio=2.23, 95% confidence interval=1.27-3.94, P=0.008). In cancer tissues, patients carrying the GG genotype also displayed an increased mRNA level of HSD11B1 (P=0.019). These results suggested that the

HSD11B1 rs932335 G/C polymorphism had an effect on CRC occurrence. These findings also suggest that the functional polymorphism rs932335 in intron4 of HSD11B1 may influence the susceptibility to and progression of CRC in a Chinese population. Large population-based prospective studies are required to validate our findings. (C) 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.”
“BACKGROUND: In this study, Apoptosis inhibitor two different laccases were used in combination with various mediators as biobleaching agents in a TCF sequence for flax fibre and pulp. Thus, non-commercial laccase from Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (PcL) was used with the synthetic mediator violuric acid (VA) or the natural mediator syringaldehyde (SA), and commercial laccase from Myceliophthora selleck inhibitor thermophila (MtL) was used with the natural mediator methyl syringate (MS). Each laccase-mediator treatment was used in the following TCF bleaching sequence: LQPo (Q denoting a chelating stage and Po a pressurized alkaline peroxide treatment). Also, a xylanase pretreatment was carried out for first time here to

assess its effect on flax fibre. Pulp (kappa number, viscosity and brightness) and effluent properties (COD, colour, residual activity and toxicity) were determined after each bleaching stage. The hexenuronic acid (HexA) content of the pulp was also determined to assess its integrity.

RESULTS: The best L stage was PcL + VA, which provided a final brightness and kappa number of 81% ISO and 1.3, respectively. Using a xylanase pretreatment was found to efficiently remove HexA and enhance delignification by laccase (final kappa number 0.7).

CONCLUSIONS: These results warrant upscaling any of these biobleaching sequences for flax pulp as they provide environmentally sustainable flax fibre with a high cellulose content and brightness above 80% ISO.

Two relaxation peaks were observed in the temperature range of -3

Two relaxation peaks were observed in the temperature range of -30 to 40 degrees C for polyurethanes

with various hard-segment contents. The dangling chains of the castor oil presented a plasticizing effect that was exerted during the relaxation processes, an effect that was studied. It was found that both the amount and the structure of the hard segment strongly affected the dielectric behavior. PKC412 (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 119:2196-2204, 2011″
“It is still controversial whether subclinical hypothyroidism and euthyroidism affect blood pressure. The study aimed to explore the relationship between different levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and blood pressure in the participants with subclinical hypothyroidism and euthyroidism. A total of 1319 participants were administered a questionnaire survey, and their blood pressure, height and body weight measurements were taken. Blood samples were taken to

test serum TSH. FT3 and FT4 were further examined if TSH was abnormal. Participants were divided into euthyroid group and subclinical hypothyroidism group. Euthyroid group was further divided into three groups: group A (TSH 0.3-0.99 mIU l(-1)), group B JAK2 inhibitor drug (TSH 1.0-1.9 mIU l(-1)) and group C (TSH 1.91-4.8 mIU l(-1)). Results showed that different levels of serum TSH had no relation with systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The prevalence of CP-690550 purchase hypertension in subclinical hypothyroidism group was significantly higher than euthyroid group in females (41.3

vs 25.6%, P<0.05). The risk of hypertension in subclinical hypothyroidism group was significantly higher than that in the euthyroid group after adjusted for age, gender, smoking status, HOMA-IR (homoeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance) and body mass index (odds ratio (OR) = 1.753, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.067-2.879, P = 0.027). This association was stronger in females (OR = 3.545, 95% CI 1.576-7.975, P = 0.004), but there was no statistical significance in males. Within normal range of TSH, both SBP and DBP were similar among the three groups. The prevalence and risk of hypertension were also similar among the three groups. In conclusion, the prevalence of hypertension in subclinical hypothyroidism group was significantly higher than in euthyroid group in females. Change of TSH in normal range did not affect blood pressure. Journal of Human Hypertension (2010) 24, 134-138; doi:10.1038/jhh.2009.44; published online 25 June 2009″
“The anisotropy of antiphase boundary (APB) energies in ordered L1(2)-Ni3Al is studied, owing to its importance in understanding the anomalous flow behavior of this intermetallic compound.

“We studied the feasibility and efficacy of intravesical i

“We studied the feasibility and efficacy of intravesical instillations with 40 ml chondroitin sulfate 0.2% solution to prevent or reduce acute radiation cystitis in women undergoing pelvic radiotherapy.

In a comparative pilot study in 20 patients, half of the patients received instillations. Instillations’ bother was measured with visual analog

scores (VAS, 0-10); bladder pain, with VAS; micturition-related quality of life, with the urogenital distress inventory (UDI).

One of the instilled patients discontinued the instillations. The first median “”acceptability”"-VAS was 0 (range, 0-3); the last median was 1 (range, 0-3). “”Bladder pain”"-VAS peaked halfway in the treatment among controls FRAX597 price (median,

1; range, 0-5) and after treatment in the instilled patients (median, 1; range, 1-3). UDI scores showed over time median follow-up scores at or above median baseline scores in controls and at or below median baseline scores in instilled patients.

Intravesical instillations with chondroitin sulfate 0.2% solution may decrease the bother related to bladder symptoms and are well tolerated.”
“Growth of gallium nitride on GaN(0001) surface is modeled by Monte Carlo method. SCH727965 in vivo Simulated growth is conducted in N-rich conditions, hence it is controlled by Ga atoms surface diffusion. It is shown that dominating four-body interactions of Ga atoms can cause step flow anisotropy. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations show that parallel steps with periodic boundary conditions form double terrace structures, whereas initially V-shaped parallel step train initially bends and then every second step moves forward, building regular, stationary ordering as observed during metal organic vapor phase epitaxy or hydride vapor phase epitaxy growth of GaN layers. These two phenomena recover VX-765 research buy surface meandered pair step pattern observed, since 1953, on many semiconductor surfaces, such as SiC, Si, or GaN. Change in

terrace width or step orientation particle diffusion jump barriers leads either to step meandering or surface roughening. Additionally it is shown that step behavior changes with the Schwoebel barrier height. Furthermore, simulations under conditions corresponding to very high external particle flux result in triangular islands grown at the terraces. All structures, emerging in the simulations, have their corresponding cases in the experimental results. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3536516]“
“Meiotic drive causes the distortion of allelic segregation away from Mendelian expected ratios, often also reducing fecundity and favouring the evolution of drive suppressors. If different species evolve distinct drive-suppressor systems, then hybrid progeny may be sterile as a result of negative interactions of these systems’ components.

0%, 71 1%, 56 8%, and 39 8%, respectively (P < 0 05) There we

0%, 71.1%, 56.8%, and 39.8%, respectively (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the survival rates of patients with predicted N staging and the corresponding pathologic N staging.

Conclusions: Tumor size is correlated with the number of LN metastases in patients with stage T2-T4a advanced gastric cancer. The measurements of tumor size can predict preoperative N staging. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.”
“Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) was structurally modified with two different types of chemicals under nitrogen atmosphere in the presence of Sb(2)O(3) SRT1720 as a catalyst at 80 degrees C in an aqueous medium. An FTIR and NMR spectrum

confirmed the structural modification of PVA. DSC and TGA counseled the thermal properties of structurally modified PVA. Urea modified PVA exhibited higher mechanical strength than the pristine PVA. The FTIR-relative intensities of olefin formation and ketone formation were increased with the increase of weight of water. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 117: 2059-2068, 2010″
“Background: Plasmodium falciparum is usually asynchronous during in vitro culture. Although various synchronization methods are available, they are not able to narrow the range of ages of parasites. A newly developed method is described that allows synchronization of parasites to produce cultures with an age range as low as 30 minutes.

Methods: Trophozoites

and schizonts are enriched using Plasmion. The Belinostat ic50 enriched late stage parasites are immobilized as a monolayer onto plastic Petri dishes using concanavalin A. Uninfected erythrocytes are placed onto the monolayer for a limited time period, during which time schizonts on the monolayer rupture and the released merozoites invade

the fresh erythrocytes. The overlay is then taken off into a culture flask, resulting in a highly synchronized population of parasites.

Results: Plasmion treatment results in a 10- to 13-fold enrichment of late stage parasites. The monolayer method results in highly synchronized cultures of parasites where invasion has occurred within a very limited time window, which can be as low as 30 minutes. The method is simple, requiring no specialized equipment and relatively cheap reagents.

Conclusions: The new method for parasite synchronization Selleckchem BI 2536 results in highly synchronized populations of parasites, which will be useful for studies of the parasite asexual cell cycle.”
“Ethylene regulates many aspects of the plant life cycle, including seed germination, root initiation, flower development, fruit ripening, senescence, and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. It thus plays a key role in responses to the environment that have a direct bearing on a plant’s fitness for adaptation and reproduction. In recent years, there have been major advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating ethylene synthesis and action.

The PSL results showed that jujube exposed to at 1 kGy or more ha

The PSL results showed that jujube exposed to at 1 kGy or more had a photon count of greater than 5,000 count/60 sec (positive), while the non-irradiated jujube yielded a photon count of less than 700 photon count/60 sec (negative). However, physical parameters (light exposure, storage, and thermal treatment) of irradiated jujube samples gave a strong effect on the PSL

signal, resulting in decrease of the photon counts from the initial counts. ESR Lapatinib spectroscopy analysis of irradiated jujube revealed specific signals derived from cellulose radicals, and irradiation caused a significant increase in the ESR signal intensity of the jujube samples without any changes in the spectral patterns. Light exposure, storage, and thermal treatment of jujube Nec-1s molecular weight resulted in significant decreases in the ESR signal intensities of cellulose radicals.”
“Fish consumption is considered as the primary pathway of human methylmercury (MeHg) exposure. However, recent studies highlighted that, rice, rather than fish, is the main route of human MeHg exposure in Guizhou, inland China. China is considered as the largest anthropogenic source of mercury (Hg) emission in the world, which has led to serious environmental Hg pollution. But there are no comprehensive studies regarding this environmental health problem to evaluate human

Hg exposure and associated health effects. This study aimed to estimate daily MeHg intake and health risk in 7 provinces in southern China, and to assess the relative contribution from rice and fish consumption. The average levels of total mercury (THg) and MeHg in rice samples were generally low at 10.1 ng.g(-1) and 2.47 ng.g(-1), respectively. But a total of 36 rice samples (12.7%) had THg concentration exceeding the national limit (20 ng.g(-1)). Generally, rural population had significantly higher Probable Daily Intakes (PDIs) of MeHg than urban population from rice consumption and its relative contribution to MeHg exposure increased significantly from coastal to inland area. The averages of PDIs of MeHg were 0.020 mu and 0.028 mu for urban and rural population in southern China, respectively. Despite the serious environmental Hg pollutions in China, the general population in southern China had low risk of MeHg exposure. But rice is an important route of human MeHg exposure in southern China, especially for the rural population in inland area. The findings indicate that rice consumption should be considered when evaluating MeHg exposure in rice eating population in southern China. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Utilization of resistant starch (RS) and apricot kernel flour (AKF) as fat replacers in cookies were examined and effects of fruit powders on the quality of low-fat cookies were investigated. A slight increase in the spread ratios of RS/AKF supplemented cookies were observed up to 20% level.