Dissocia tion of Cp190 therefore may down regulate activities of insulators thus affecting the expression of local genes. Further characterization of the interactions will be necessary to understand the molecular mechanism through which Cp190 is recruited differently to the selleck chem Volasertib insulator complexes at different genetic locations. However since relatively less information about the composition of the CTCF and the BEAF32 com plexes is known, more detailed analysis of the molecu lar interactions will require identification of more components in the two types of chromatin insulator complexes. Conclusions We have determined sub regions of the Cp190 protein required for fly survival, for association with Cp190 con taining insulators and for the gypsy insulator activity.
The N terminal CP190BTB D fragment of Cp190 con taining the BTB domain and the D rich acidic region is sufficient for association with chromosomes. The frag ment however is insufficient for insulator activity and for fly survival during development. The middle portion of the Cp190 protein, including the CENT domain which mediates centrosomal localization and the zinc finger domain, is dispensable for critical insulator func tions. The C terminal E rich acidic region strengthens iation of Cp190 with most insulator sites and is essential for Cp190s insulator function. We have shown evidence that dissociation of Cp190 from its bound sites on chromosomes is a regulated process. Cp190 dissociated from chromosomes when cells were treated with heat shock.
In contrast, the CP190BTB D lacking the E rich domain did not dissoci ate from chromosomes during heat shock, indicating that the E rich region is required for this dissociation process. Previous findings have demonstrated that the function of chromatin insulators requires association of Cp190 with insulator sites. Our results provide a mechanism through which the activities of Cp190 con taining chromatin insulators may be regulated. Methods Antibodies Rabbit and rat anti Cp190 antibodies were reported pre viously. A rat anti CP190BTB D antibody was used for the immunoblot in Figure 1B. The antibody was generated by immunizing rats with the 6X His CP190BTB D fusion protein purified from the BL21 E. coli transformed with pET15B. CP190BamHI in which a BamHI digested CP190 cDNA was inserted in frame into pET15B vector.
One of the rabbit anti Cp190 antibodies was successfully used in Brefeldin_A immunoprecipitation experiments and in ChIP assays. The rabbit anti Cp190 antibody was used in the ChIP assays, immunofluorescence stainings of polytene chromosomes, and immunoprecipitation experiments in this study. The rat anti Mod 67. 2 polyclonal antibody was reported earlier. The rat anti actin antibody in immunoblots was purchased from Abcam Co. The rabbit anti GFP anti serum was raised by immunizing rabbits with purified bacteria expressed His GFP protein.