Comparisons between
701 multidisciplinary clinic and 1,318 urology prostate cancer clinic patients were examined with the rank sum and chi-square tests. Predictive factors for pursuing treatment at the university medical center were assessed using multivariate adjusted logistic regression.
Results: Compared to patients at the urology prostate cancer selleck chemicals clinic those at the multidisciplinary clinic were more likely to be younger and white, have a higher income and travel a longer distance for evaluation. Of multidisciplinary clinic patients 58% pursued primary treatment at the university medical center. They were more likely to be younger, black and physician referred, have a lower income and reside closer to the medical center. Factors predictive of pursuing treatment at the medical center included high risk disease and physician referral. Factors predictive of not receiving care at the university medical center were income greater than $40,000 and a distance traveled of greater than 100 miles.
A different patient demographic is using the multidisciplinary approach. However, when treatment is pursued at the institution providing multidisciplinary services, the patient demographic resembles that of the treating institution.”
“Understanding the origins of normal and pathological behavior is one of the most exciting opportunities in contemporary LY2090314 manufacturer biomedical research. There is increasing evidence that, in addition to DNA sequence and the environment, epigenetic modifications of DNA and histone proteins may contribute to complex phenotypes. Inherited and/or acquired epigenetic factors Adenosine triphosphate are partially stable and have regulatory roles in numerous genomic activities, thus making epigenetics a promising research path in etiological studies of psychiatric disease. In this article, we review recent epigenetic studies examining the brain and other tissues, including those from individuals with schizophrenia (SCZ) and bipolar disorder (BPD). We also highlight heuristic aspects of the epigenetic theory of psychiatric disease and discuss the future directions of psychiatric
“Decisions result from an interaction between multiple functional systems acting in parallel to process information in very different ways, each with strengths and weaknesses. In this review, the authors address three action-selection components of decision-making: The Pavlovian system releases an action from a limited repertoire of potential actions, such as approaching learned stimuli. Like the Pavlovian system, the habit system is computationally fast but, unlike the Pavlovian system permits arbitrary stimulus-action pairings. These associations are a “”forward” mechanism; when a situation is recognized, the action is released. In contrast, the deliberative system is flexible but takes time to process.